Market Research Case Studies

  • vineyard winery market research ultimate guide

    Winery and Vineyard Market Research [Ultimate Guide]

    Cheers, everyone! When guests visit your winery, they expect to be overly satisfied with the service they receive and the items they (hopefully) purchase. Their experience should be carefully crafted and leave visitors feeling appreciated. By conducting winery and vineyard market research, you can do just that — and as a result, increase visitors, improve brand awareness, and boost revenue. In this ultimate guide, we provide a birds-eye-view of winery and vineyard market research, benefits of

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Voice of Customer (VoC) Survey as a Manufacturing Company

    How to Conduct a Voice of Customer (VoC) Survey as a Manufacturing Company

    Conducting a Voice of Customer (VoC) research as a manufacturing company is a great initiative. The results from a VoC survey help organizations to increase customer satisfaction and retention. Just because customers are not vocal with their complaints does not mean they don’t have any. For context, only 1 out of 26 customers are likely to share their complaints with businesses (CXM). What happens with the other 25? They simply take their business to a competitor without fair warning. As a re

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  • Blog:

    Brand Awareness Trackers: How to Measure Brand Recognition Over Time

    This blog post covers what brand awareness trackers are, what the objectives and approach might be, and the results you can expect to receive. Pop quiz! Do you know what percent of your target audience is aware of your brand, products, or services? It's okay, not many people do. After all, this metric can look like a stock’s value on Wall Street that constantly rises and falls for most brands. However, it’s still critical to measure the awareness of your brand- especially at regular interva

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  • Blog: Brand Health Tracker Surveys: How to Create a Baseline for Awareness and Interest

    Brand Health Tracker Surveys: Creating a Baseline for Awareness

    Building awareness for consumer products viewed as commodities can be a challenge. As a result, many businesses rely on brand health tracker surveys to accurately measure buyer awareness, perception, and likelihood to purchase. For example, fresh fruit has very few household brand names that your average consumer would be able to recall top-of-mind. If you’re trying to grow your brand in this space, what is your best option? You always have to start somewhere, so our market research compan

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  • Blog: New Survey Shows Americans Favor Vaccination Requirements for Safer Domestic Traveling

    New Survey Shows Changing Traveler Behaviors & Attitudes with Vaccine Rollout

    As COVID-19 vaccination programs continue to ramp up across the United States, many Americans are eager to start traveling again. A new survey conducted by Drive Research shows 75% of Americans plan to travel domestically within the next 6 months. However, travelers still need certain COVID-19 protocols in place to feel safe when crossing state lines. For instance, 59% of respondents agree destinations with vaccination requirements are necessary to feel comfortable while traveling. Other k

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  • Blog: How to Measure Product Awareness and Purchase Intent | Market Research Company

    How to Measure Product Awareness and Purchase Intent

    When it comes to promoting products and services, there are a lot of unanswered questions as it pertains to your target audience. What percentage of Americans are aware of your product or service? What percentage of Americans are aware of your competitor's products and services? Are certain demographics more aware of your brand vs. a competitor and vice versa? As with solving most business objectives, market research can help. Product awareness and purchase intent research provide brands with

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  • Blog: What Incentive is Most Appealing to Market Research Participants?

    Market Research Incentives: New Survey Shows What Reward is Most Appealing to Respondents

    Market research incentives and rewards often vary depending on a number of factors. Is it a qualitative or quantitative study? What is required of market research respondents? What is the criteria of your target respondent? Choosing the right market research incentive can help increase the response rate, and actually save costs. More on that here: Higher Rewards Can Equal Lower Market Research Costs. Our market research company recently conducted a study to measure factors of email survey i

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  • Blog: Company Acquisition Surveys: How to Earn Loyalty from New Customers After a Merger

    Company Acquisition Surveys: How to Earn Loyalty from New Customers After a Merger

    Some industries are no strangers to business mergers and acquisitions. One such industry is banking and financial services, which commonly experiences consolidation with so many regional and local players in the market. A sometimes overlooked piece of a merger or acquisition, though, is the transition of new customers to your business. We never want to assume everything will proceed smoothly and that the obtained customers will just give you their loyalty. A great way to check-in with these ne

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  • How to Conduct a Senior Loan Officer Survey

    Recently, a financial institution partnered with our bank and credit union market research company on a senior loan officer survey targeted to professionals within the mortgage industry. Senior loan officer survey highlights: The survey targeted specific roles/titles of professionals in the mortgage industry. The online survey included 55 custom questions. The results were compiled into a topline summary report which highlighted the key finding of each question. Learn more about the objectives

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  • Blog: Case Study: Mothers Participate in Qualitative Research for Kids Learning Games

    Case Study: Mothers Participate in Qualitative Research for Kids Learning Games

    It is no secret parents of young children are strapped for time. This can make it even more challenging to find mothers to participate in qualitative research. However, for organizations such as kids toy brands conducting market research is an important step in developing new products and improving marketing strategies. This was certainly the case for a recent client who contacted our market research company, Drive Research. They wanted to conduct online focus groups with mothers of 3-years

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  • How to Conduct a Real Estate Development Feasibility Study | Market Research Company

    How to Conduct a Real Estate Development Feasibility Study

    Taking the time to conduct a feasibility study before jumping into a new real estate development project is always a good idea. While you may think your idea is brilliant (and it very well might be), it’s always best to determine its feasibility beforehand. Market research can help you secure investments, uncover gaps in the market, realize new target markets, develop marketing strategies, and much more. In this blog post, our feasibility study market research company will explore: The def

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  • Blog: How to Conduct an Online Survey for a Retail Store | Market Research Company

    How to Conduct an Online Survey for a Retail Store

    Wondering how to contact an online survey for a retail store? Our market research company has you covered! This post answers the following questions: What were the objectives of the retail store survey? What was the approach to the retail store survey? What questions were asked in the retail store survey? What was included in the retail store survey report? Learn more about the best practices to conduct a retail store online survey below. Download our Grocery Shopper Segmentation Report

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