Market Research Case Studies

  • Blog: How to Measure Cannabis Consumers Purchasing Behaviors

    How to Measure Cannabis Consumer Buying Habits

    As cannabis becomes increasingly legalized and used recreationally throughout the United States, it has become evident there is a lot to learn about cannabis consumer buying habits. With many unknowns facing the cannabis and marijuana industry, conducting different types of market research can be a great place to start for brands, dispensaries, cultivators, and marketing agencies. Measuring cannabis consumer buying behaviors includes reviewing factors such as: Frequency of purchasing and us

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  • Blog: How to Determine Service-Market Fit in Healthcare

    How to Determine Service-Market Fit in Healthcare

    When you think about service-market fit in healthcare, you want to think about your service providing enough value to customers that they become your brand ambassadors. Brand ambassadors that help you grow your customer base because they love your service that much. While this is likely every healthcare organization’s goal, it’s surely easier said than done. How can you know if your healthcare service is something people would be interested in? How can you know it is the perfect service-mar

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  • Blog: Opening a Liquor Store? Here’s How to Choose the Right Location

    Opening a Liquor Store? Here’s How to Choose the Right Location

    There’s a reason most people are familiar with the saying, ‘location, location, location.’ It can truly make or break the success of a new business. For this reason, when opening a liquor store, choosing the right location is one of the most important business decisions you’ll make. Questions you have to ask yourself include… Are there enough potential buyers in the area? Who will be my main competitors? What will foot traffic look like? What is the cost of rent? The mistake some business

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  • Blog: Choosing the Best Product Label Design [With Data - Not Assumptions]

    Choosing the Best Product Label Design [With Data - Not Assumptions]

    More than anything, customers are drawn to products with attractive packaging. Therefore, choosing the best product label design can be a direct correlation to a product’s success. Take Tropicana for example. In 2009, they were the best-selling juice brand on the market, earning more than 700 million dollars a year. That was until they invested 35 million dollars in new packaging and advertising. After introducing the new design to the market, sales dropped by 20% forcing Tropicana to return

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  • Blog: How to Measure the Impact of a PR Crisis on Brand Perception

    How to Measure the Impact of a PR Crisis on Brand Perception

    When a PR crisis emerges for your organization, it can prove to be a stressful time. Trying to manage communication internally and externally is challenging and will keep you working around the clock 24/7. No one wishes a public relations disaster on anyone, but things happen. One of the ways to get a read on the reaction of external audiences and the general public is through a PR crisis survey. Although it may be easier to manage how the crisis is communicated and handled internally, exte

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  • Have a New Banking Product Concept? Here’s How to Measure Demand.

    The financial industry is changing fast, which means banks and credit union decision-makers need to introduce new products and service offerings even faster. For instance, digital banking usage is at an all-time high. It is estimated that 65% of people use online banking features, with digital transaction volume also growing by 10% in 2022. As the transition of people managing their finances online continues to grow, many institutions are looking to introduce new banking product concepts. A

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  • Blog: Children Run Together to the Summer Camp

    How to Increase Summer Camp Registrations and Attract Families

    What better way to improve your summer program than to rely on direct feedback from your campers and their parents or guardians? While there are several different ways to get their opinions and understand areas of improvement, online surveys have proven to be an effective outlet for gathering this information. Take for example a recent project our market research company completed for a daycare and learning center in Portland, Oregon. Below we share our easy-to-follow process for conducting

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  • Blog: How to Analyze the Customer Journey

    How to Analyze the Customer Journey with Surveys

    Analyzing the customer journey is hugely important because it tells businesses how shoppers interact with their brand. This is why businesses need to prioritize the customer experience as a whole. Using secondary data, we can make accurate assumptions about this essential process. For instance, here are a few stats Google collected on online shopping behaviors: 87% of consumers said knowing they got a good deal is important when deciding which brand/retailer to purchase from 85% said produc

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  • Blog: Measuring Demand for New Healthcare Product with Doctors

    Measuring Appeal and Demand for New Healthcare Product

    When it comes to launching a new product in healthcare, research is everything - not only from the potential clinical side with patients but also among prescribing doctors. Therefore, if you're testing a new healthcare product concept, it is essential to collect feedback from physicians on new product offerings to understand their opinion, potential barriers to prescribing, potential demand, and other critical factors. Our healthcare market research company recently partnered with a brand to

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  • Blog: How to Determine Opportunity Size When Expanding into New Markets

    How to Determine Opportunity Size When Expanding into New Markets

    It’s safe to assume you’ve stumbled on this blog post because your organization has been brainstorming on a new product or service idea. Perhaps you’re planning on commercializing this new concept, but are unsure if it will result in a significant ROI. The costs needed to develop new product expansions are rarely minimal. Therefore, to make smart, informed decisions you want to determine the potential opportunity size for entering a new market. To measure the appeal of a new product concept

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  • Blog: Supervisor Evaluation Surveys: How to Measure Management Satisfaction

    Supervisor Evaluation Surveys: How to Measure Management Satisfaction

    Most employees, across several levels of an organization, work with a supervisory figure. Supervisors train, collaborate, and evaluate the employees working underneath them. Beyond that, they’re often the first person an employee talks to when they start the day and the person they go to for support or guidance. Needless to say, this relationship heavily influences the experience an employee has at a company. You probably have heard the saying that “people don’t leave companies, they leave m

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  • Blog: Using Surveys to Improve Student Attrition and Graduation Rates

    Using Surveys to Improve Student Attrition and Graduation Rates

    Student attrition and graduation rates can be a major pain point for educational institutions across the U.S. Disruptions to the classroom environment from the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, have thrown a wrench into the capacity to keep students enrolled. Many schools are left asking what they could have done differently to prevent students from leaving for another institution or dropping out of school entirely. It’s an issue that probably looks a little different for every educational i

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