Market Research Case Studies

  • Content Marketing Survey with Small and Midsize Business (SMB) Decision-Makers

    Content Marketing Survey with Small and Midsize Business (SMB) Decision-Makers

    A content survey is a great asset for any marketer. Small and midsize businesses (SMB) may not have access to an in-house marketing team where team members are pumping out content every day. The power of inbound marketing is strong - but it takes time and resources to create powerfully lead-generating content. The data gathered from a content marketing survey can easily be recreated to help fuel decision making and create quality deliverables on a variety of promotional platforms. The inbound

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  • Case Study:  How to Conduct an Online Survey for an Airport

    Case Study: How to Conduct an Online Survey for an Airport

    Airport and airline market research is one of our specialty areas at Drive Research. Typical projects include community surveys and intercept surveys. The goals and objectives of the study usually include providing data to guide the next steps with operations and business strategy. Another important part of airport market research is to understand what drives customers to choose one airport over another and what can be done to influence their decision-making process. These questions can be answ

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  • Case Study: Third-Party Survey Data Analysis Project

    Case Study: Third-Party Survey Data Analysis Project

    When fieldwork is closed on a survey, the fun is just beginning. It’s now time to analyze your survey data in a way that is useful and impactful on future business initiatives. What is the best way to analyze survey data? This is dependent on various factors such as how many and what type of questions were asked, how many responses were collected, what the survey data will be used for, etc. The good news is, you don’t have to do it alone. A third-party research firm, like Drive Research, can h

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  • Case Study: How to Use a Tracking Survey to Measure Customer Satisfaction Over Time

    Case Study: How to Use a Tracking Survey to Measure Customer Satisfaction Over Time

    Many businesses across the country crave the insights from a customer satisfaction study. It is or should be one of the most critical components of a business’s acquisition plan. However, some organizations assume the customer feedback collected in a survey conducted a year or two ago, is still reliable in the present day. In order to make business decisions powered by insights and statistics, the data must be constantly evolving and up to date. For this reason, our customer satisfaction compan

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  • Case Study: Feasibility Study for Senior Housing Apartments

    Case Study: Feasibility Study for Senior Housing Apartments

    America is getting older. According to the 2017 Census, nearly one in four (22.9%) Americans is a baby boomer. As older Americans begin to retire, real estate developers have noticed an opportunity for retirement communities and senior housing. Even though America is aging, it is important to consider many different factors before jumping to conclusions about the feasibility of a potential senior housing development. A market research feasibility study is a great place to start. For example, o

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  • District Level Decision-Maker Focus Groups | Using Research to Support New Curriculum

    District Level Decision-Maker Focus Groups | Using Research to Support New Curriculum

    Curriculum revision is difficult, yet necessary. Especially with the rise of EdTech products district and higher education decision-makers are constantly challenged in achieving successful curriculum reforms. In order to truly understand the processes and principles of the changing paradigms in the education sector, distributors of EdTech programs or products must speak with school decision-makers. This audience is responsible for influence purchasing decisions or changes in curriculum material

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  • Food and Beverage Consumer Focus Groups | How Does the Process Work?

    Food and Beverage Consumer Focus Groups | How Does the Process Work?

    Focus groups are one of the most effective ways food and beverage (F&B) companies can analyze consumer opinions, emotions, and feedback regarding their products. The insights derived from F&B focus groups can help determine critical marketing decisions such as shelf product placement, packaging, best sources of advertising, etc. Not only do consumer focus groups provide the most in-depth insight compared to surveys or other quantitative research studies, but this type of qualitative project ca

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  • Mobile Ethnography Study: What Does Gen Z Think of School Provided Lunches?

    How does your child feel about school provided cafeteria lunches? Our client, a multi-generational research company, set out to gather opinions from Gen Z middle schoolers to answer this exact question. According to this article, Gen Z influences $600 billion in spending annually, makes up 40% of our consumer base, and spends $44 billion each year. That’s a lot of consumer power. Generation Z makes up those who are 6th through 9th graders (typically aged 11 to 14) which can pose a challenge to

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  • Is Your Law Firm Advertising Working? | How Online Surveys Can Improve Marketing ROI

    Is Your Law Firm Advertising Working? | How Online Surveys Can Improve Marketing ROI

    Just like any other business, law firms have plenty to gain by conducting market research. A common objective in legal market research studies is understanding how to acquire more clients. While this can be driven by a number of factors including demand, awareness, and competition, one of the biggest factors is often perception. With the abundance of personal attorney advertisements across all forms of media, it is critical to understand how consumers perceive marketing by law firms. It is impo

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  • Case Study: Phone Interviews with Distillery Decision-Makers to Improve a Digital Platform

    Case Study: How to Conduct Phone Interviews with Distillery Decision-Makers

    In market research, there are a variety of methodologies used to gain feedback from purchasing decision-makers. When selecting a study (phone, online, in-person), it is important to take into account your target audience, how many questions you want to ask, the level of feedback required to answer key business questions, and your budget. A market research company, like Drive Research, will take these factors into account before recommending their approach for interviewing a specific demographic

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  • Case Study: How to Recruit a Representative Sample for Qualitative Research

    Case Study: How to Use Segmentation in Qualitative Recruiting

    The insight collected from qualitative and quantitative market research is only as valuable as the sample of people recruited to participate. In other words, if you are conducting market research to improve a product, service, or brand then participants must closely align with your target audience. For example, if you are a manufacturer of winter coats and you would like to use consumer feedback to generate new ideas for next year’s line of jackets, then it would not be wise to survey people li

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  • Case Study: Restaurant Measures Consumer Confusion with Intercept Interviews

    Case Study: Restaurant Measures Consumer Confusion with Intercept Interviews

    In today’s world, competition is all around us. Consumers have their pick at many similar brands, products, and services. How can you be sure you stand out in a crowd? With customer confusion research. Customer or consumer confusion research is an effective methodology in answering this question that is asked by hundreds of organizations around the world. Whether you are a new or existing business, a consumer confusion study can help measure how your brand is recognized by your target audience.

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