Market Research Case Studies

  • Blog: The Long-term Impact of COVID-19: How Have Consumer Perceptions Changed

    Long-Term Impact of COVID-19: New Survey Shows How Perceptions Have Changed Since April

    As we approach the end of 2020, we are still living in what seems to be a never-ending pandemic. There is no doubt that consumer behavior has changed as a result of COVID-19, but our market research company wanted to better understand if consumer perceptions have changed for better or for worse since April. In April of 2020, Drive Research conducted an online survey about the COVID-19 pandemic. We measured how Coronavirus shifted consumer perceptions, attitudes, concerns, and purchasing beha

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  • Blog Image: How Many People Plan to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? New Survey Reveals 1 in 2 Americans

    How Many People Plan to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine? New Survey Reveals 1 in 2 Americans

    On December 14, 2020, Sandra Lindsay was the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine outside a clinical trial. As the week went on more and more healthcare professionals across the country were vaccinated in hopes of stopping the spread. This begs the question, as the injection becomes readily available in the coming months, how many people plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine? Our market research company conducted a survey with over 1,000 United States residents to measure the level of concern w

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  • Blog: How to Leverage Surveys and Desk Research for Lead Generation

    How to Leverage Surveys and Desk Research for Lead Generation

    Did you know market research techniques such as surveys and desk research can be leveraged to build leads for your organization? It’s true, some studies have the end goal of identifying potential customers as well as the best ways to reach them. Results don’t get more actionable than that! Foundational methodologies like surveys and desk research can be used to gather information about prospects with a process not unlike your typical customer study. Contact information may be found in public

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  • Blog Image: How to Conduct a Traveler Survey | Airline Market Research Company

    How to Conduct a Traveler Survey

    With ever-changing traveling trends and habits, it is challenging for airlines and airports to provide the best passenger experience. For this reason, traveler surveys have become more popular in the aviation industry. Insights from a traveler survey identify consumer preferences, expectations, and factors of choice when flying. This type of data helps create data-driven marketing, business, and sales strategies. The best way to learn the process for conducting a traveler survey is by learning

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  • Home Blog Page: How to Conduct an Employee Credit Union Member Survey | Market Research Firm

    How to Conduct an Employee Credit Union Member Survey | Market Research Firm

    As an employee credit union, chances are your members interact with your financial institution daily. From online banking, ATMs, call centers, buying groceries, financing large purchases, and everything else in between, your credit union plays a role. A credit union member survey can be used to better understand a variety of research objectives as part of an effort to improve relationships with members, offer more personalized financial products and services, improve marketing strategies, and

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  • Image for Blog Post Home Page: PR Surveys for Car Brands | Red Car Driving on Highway

    Public Relations Surveys for Car Brands | Automotive Market Research Company

    Public relations (PR) surveys are the greatest asset to a data-driven marketing strategy. Unlike most market research studies, the data collected from PR surveys are meant to be shared with the public. Car brands such as Toyota and Ford famously utilize public relations surveys to generate brand awareness and increase the return on investment of their market research. Our automotive market research company recently conducted a public relations survey for a car brand. In this blog post, we outl

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Certification Survey | Healthcare Market Research Company

    How to Conduct a Certification Survey | Healthcare Market Research Company

    There are several certification programs available for healthcare professionals. For this reason, many healthcare organizations conduct certification surveys to measure the interest level of specific educational programs. For instance, our healthcare market research company partnered with a telehealth-based connected care platform to execute a certification survey. This case study reflects the objectives, approach, survey questions, and results of the healthcare market research. If you are in

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  • Blog: Education Market Research: Impact of EdTech on Children

    Education Market Research: Impact of EdTech on Children

    The following case study summarizes the approach taken by Drive Research to target, qualify, and sign-up participants for an education market research study conducted both in-person and remote. This summary includes a recap of all the relevant project details from the EdTech market research study scope of work. The scope of work included: Recruitment dates An overview of the recruitment process The outline of screening criteria Sources used to recruit participants with counts Follow-up communi

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  • Blog: Thanksgiving 2020: 87% of Americans Fear an Increase in COVID-19 Cases After the Holiday

    Thanksgiving 2020: 87% of Americans Fear an Increase in COVID-19 Cases After the Holiday

    A new survey of 1,000 U.S. respondents reveals 87% of Americans fear an increase in COVID-19 cases after the Thanksgiving holiday. See more findings from the Thanksgiving 2020 survey. With Thanksgiving 2020 right around the corner, several state officials have released rules and guidelines on how loved ones can safely celebrate the holiday this year. To measure how different travel and Thanksgiving gatherings will look later this month, our market research company conducted a poll with 1,000

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  • Blog: How to Conduct In-Person Shelf Testing | CPG Research Firm

    How to Conduct Shelf Testing Market Research | CPG Research Firm

    As consumers’ preferences and purchasing behaviors continue to rapidly evolve, the need for consumer packaged goods (CPG) market research has never been more relevant. A great methodology to consider is in-person or in-store shelf testing. Our CPG research firm recently completed a qualitative recruitment project for a client involving in-person shelf-research at their facility. We had to navigate several unique obstacles that came with onsite research in the midst of COVID-19. Below are the p

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  • Blog: How to Create a Customer Journey Map to Improve Customer Experience (CX)

    How to Create a Customer Journey Map to Improve Customer Experience (CX)

    Not enough businesses take the time to audit the full customer experience for their products or services. Oftentimes, we make assumptions about customers, but we can’t truly understand their interactions with our organization without conducting some comprehensive market research. Customer journey mapping is the best way to document the thoughts, feelings, challenges, and successes throughout a customer process. These intricate studies typically require a multi-phase approach that seeks feedbac

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  • how market research saved febreze

    How Market Research Saved Febreze | Consumer Behavior Case Study

    Febreze. A product with a strong brand reputation, one that has extended into multiple product categories, and has essentially become a household name in the past few decades. But even the biggest of brands often go through bumps in the road before they reach the top. Febreze was no different for Procter & Gamble (P&G) as it was almost pulled off the shelves in the late 1990s as a result. If not for clever observational findings through market research and a complete revamp of its marketing,

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