Market Research Case Studies

  • Raising the Awareness of a Nonprofit Business [With Examples]

    Operating as a lesser-known nonprofit organization against huge national organizations can be daunting. The struggle to obtain resources such as donations and volunteers is more difficult and the ability to serve those in need is negatively impacted by this lack of awareness. In fact, many studies have shown that 1 in 2 consumers are more likely to do business with a company whose logo they recognize. From a nonprofit perspective, this could apply to donors, volunteers, and other stakeholde

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  • Blog: How to Create Effective Supermarket and Grocery Store Ads

    How to Create Effective Supermarket and Grocery Store Ads

    Supermarkets and grocery stores receive a large amount of in-person foot traffic. And with over 60% of in-store shoppers open to buying a new brand, it makes them a prime audience for an effective advertising campaign. That being said, there are many moving parts to creating successful supermarket and grocery store ads. Compelling ad copy, purposeful imagery, and a well-designed layout all play a role in capturing consumers’ attention. To assure all elements of your marketing campaign work

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  • Blog: eCommerce User Experience: How to Increase Online Traffic & Sales

    eCommerce User Experience: How to Increase Online Traffic & Sales

    Everyone knows the saying, "don't judge a book by its cover." Unfortunately, this is not the case for websites, apps, and other platforms. Users make snap judgments when they visit an online site as soon as a page loads. In fact, it takes about 0.05 seconds for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they'll stay or leave. And 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience. The bottom line: eCommerce sites need to invest more mone

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  • small business owner smiling in front of restaurant

    Surveying SMB Owners and Decision-Makers

    With over 99% of America’s organizations operating as small businesses, it presents an exciting and lucrative opportunity for B2B marketers. However, despite this staggering number, most brands struggle to find and connect with small and medium-sized business (SMBs) owners and decision-makers. For this reason, it is helpful to work with a market research company to survey this audience and learn key factors of how they choose to partner with vendors. By surveying SMB owners and decision-mak

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  • Nonprofit Branding: How to Better Understand Your Audience

    Wondering what your target audience thinks about your nonprofit organization? Or how to grow community awareness for your local cause? Enter brand-equity studies can help answer these questions and maximize the efforts of your nonprofit branding. Typical goals and objectives for brand equity surveys include measuring the top of mind awareness, aided awareness, word association, perception, drivers to perception, and more. Learn more about how to approach nonprofit market research, example q

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  • blog: How to Calculate the ROI of Software/SaaS with Market Research

    How to Calculate the ROI of Software/SaaS with Market Research

    When companies are on the hunt for new software or SaaS, there are several boxes that must be checked before they move forward. However, perhaps the most influential deciding factor is the average return on investment (ROI) the solution provides its current customers. Being transparent about the return on investment of software/SaaS helps accelerate the buyer's journey. Here's how to easily calculate your platform's ROI and competitors with market research. Providing either a percentage incr

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  • Blog: How to Successfully Brand Your Loyalty Rewards Program

    How to Successfully Brand Your Loyalty Rewards Program

    If you have ever stayed at a hotel, purchased airlines tickets, or even bought a piece of clothing – there is a good chance that you were, at one point in time, asked to join that brand’s loyalty rewards program. With roughly 90% of adults in the US belonging to one loyalty program, this is an area ripe for market research. As a way to gain access to more amenities and perks, these offerings show customers that they are valued and appreciated. However, not all customer rewards programs are c

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  • Blog: Surveying Greeting Card Shoppers: How to Measure Habits & Preferences

    Surveying Greeting Card Shoppers: How to Measure Habits & Preferences

    Although online shopping is on the rise, it has not eliminated in-person gift exchanges. People still enjoy the experience of seeing the reactions of their loved ones in the moment. And tied to many of those gifts are greeting cards. In fact, nine out of every ten households buy greeting cards each year. But with so many to choose from, how do greeting card shoppers decide which to purchase? Is it price-driven? Quality of the card? The perfect message? Surveying greeting card shoppers can p

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  • hands holding the world

    How to Increase Community Awareness for a Local Cause

    The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on nonprofit organizations. For context, the community development sector of the Federal Reserve System administered a COVID-19 community impact survey and discovered that the demand for nonprofit services increased by more than 70% during the pandemic. However, with so many people in need of support and resources, nonprofits are challenged with the task of identifying the prevalence and magnitude of issues among their local populations. This c

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  • someone holding a magnet as it generates new leads - drive research

    How to Use Surveys for Lead Generation Content

    Lead generation is a process that nearly every company uses to attract prospects with the end goal of converting them into a customer. It ranges from cold sales calls, networking at events, and our personal favorite: content marketing. More and more marketers are seeing the value of lead generation content, with 82% of marketers reporting actively using content marketing in 2021. That percentage is up 70% from 2020. It is likely due to the fact that 47% of buyers view three to five pieces o

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  • different condiments and seasonings on spoons

    How to Identify Purchasing Factors for Condiments Among Consumers

    What key factors motivate a consumer to purchase one product over another? With 57% of people buying a new product during their most recent supermarket run, it's an important question to answer. By using market research, brands can gather actionable data as to why consumers purchase the items they do. For instance, a major food manufacturer and distributor contacted our market research company to learn what purchasing factors impacted consumers' choice in condiments. Below, we outline a 2-

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  • Blog

    How a Survey Can Test Branding ( + 15 Examples Questions)

    Looking to rebrand a current product/service or get feedback on branding for a new product/survey? There is a survey for that! Before bringing your new product or service to the market, don’t you want to know how appealing the concept sounds? Whether the brand seems trustworthy or not? Or, whether the target audience is interested in purchasing it? A survey can answer each of these questions and more! Learn more about the objectives, approach, example survey questions, and survey findings t

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