Market Research Case Studies

  • Blog: Understanding Usage and Behaviors for a Regional Airport

    Understanding Usage and Behaviors for a Regional Airport

    Using data to drive decision-making makes a lot of sense, especially when you ask the right questions to the right audience. Recently, a regional airport wanted to understand how to better align its offerings to its market area. Cue a well-crafted market research study to the rescue! Learn more about the goals, objectives, approach, and results of this airport study below. Objectives of the Regional Airport Survey One of the most important steps when starting an online survey project is t

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  • Food Product Development: The Best Way to Test Market a New Food Product

    How to Conduct Food Product Development Market Research

    Market research is a key player in launching a successful new food product. Food brands should have a clear understanding of their consumer preferences, their needs, market trends, and competing brands. This data will help them craft a food product that has a positive impact on their target audience. Food development market research can be done using multiple methods. While the chosen method depends on a brand's unique needs, common ones include in-home usage tests, focus groups, and taste t

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  • Blog: Airport Community Surveys: Process, Example Questions, and Benefits

    Airport Community Surveys: Process & Example Questions

    Airport community surveys are an effective way to accurately measure awareness, perception, satisfaction, and other key performance indicators among a target market. Crucial for understanding the needs of travelers, these airport surveys also gather details from locals and businesses. The data obtained here provides insights into customer satisfaction, operational details, and environmental impact. The main goal of these surveys is for airports to improve using actionable data. Not only idea

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  • Blog: How Retail Stores Measure Customer Satisfaction (& Other KPIs)

    Retail Customer Satisfaction: How to Measure & Improve It

    Measuring the satisfaction of customers in retail is key to the continued success of a brand. Customer satisfaction implies that shoppers are pleased with a brand and continue to return over a period of time. This leads to both customer retention and loyalty. However, shopper satisfaction levels are bound to fluctuate. A great way to address this is through retail market research. Below, we'll discuss customer satisfaction in retail and how it can be measured and improved. What is Custome

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  • Blog: Using a Third-Party for Phone Surveys | Market Research Company

    Using a Third-Party for Phone Surveys

    Using a third-party for phone surveys is the best assurance in gathering unbiased, high-quality insights. Plus, it is beneficial to rely on industry experts to execute all moving parts of a qualitative study. For instance, a third-party phone survey company like Drive Research can provide qualitative recruitment, interviewing, scheduling, and reporting services. There is no need to hire several sub-contractors or rely on internal resources to get the job done. In this blog post, our market r

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  • How to Conduct a Patient Satisfaction Survey | Healthcare Market Research Company

    How to Conduct Patient Market Research

    Understanding your target audience is essential for any healthcare-related venture, be it a medical practice, pharmaceutical company, or healthcare startup. In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, patient preferences, needs, and behaviors play a pivotal role in shaping decisions. Conducting thorough patient market research is the compass that guides these decisions, offering valuable insights that can drive innovation, improve patient care, and ultimately, lead to better outcomes. In this c

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  • Blog: Package Label Test Surveys: How to Inform Decisions on New Packaging Designs

    Package Testing Market Research & How to Conduct It

    Let’s say you’ve done some legwork to come up with a new packaging design for your organization’s product. Some strategic planning or qualitative research may have led to a potential rebranding or brand refresh. How do you validate this is the right path for your organization? A great option is to put your new design to the test in a package testing market research project. Don’t expect a clear-cut answer on which design is outright best, but do anticipate receiving the tools needed to prom

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  • Blog: Market Research With Tech Pros: How to Recruit Them?

    Market Research With Tech Pros: How to Recruit Them?

    In the fast-paced world of technology, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses looking to thrive in competitive markets. Market research plays a pivotal role in this pursuit, providing valuable insights into consumer preferences, industry trends, and emerging opportunities. In this blog post, we delve into the importance of recruiting tech professionals for market research endeavors. From leveraging their expertise to accessing cutting-edge tools and methodologies, we explore

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  • Blog: Beauty Market Research: Measuring the Effectiveness of Advertising

    Beauty Market Research: How To Conduct It (From The Pros)

    In the ever-evolving beauty industry, staying ahead of trends and understanding consumer preferences is key to success. Conducting thorough beauty market research is essential for businesses looking to innovate, differentiate, and thrive in this competitive landscape. In this blog post, we'll delve into the intricacies of conducting effective beauty market research, exploring methodologies, insights, and strategies used by our market research experts. Looking to conduct a custom beauty mark

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  • How to Survey Marketing Professionals (Steps & Best Practices)

    In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, staying ahead of trends, understanding industry challenges, and grasping the pulse of consumer behavior are paramount. If you're looking to gain valuable insights from the professionals shaping the marketing world, conducting surveys can be an invaluable tool. In this blog post, our online survey company shares our secrets to crafting effective surveys that resonate with marketing professionals and yield actionable insights. Value of Surveying

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  • Blog: How to Conduct Customer Exit Surveys | Intercept Survey Company

    Customer Exit Surveys: Tips & Example Questions

    In the dynamic landscape of business, understanding why customers choose to discontinue their engagement is just as crucial as attracting new ones. A great channel for collecting feedback is a customer exit survey which unveils insights into the minds of departing customers. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of exit surveys, offering valuable tips on how to optimize your approach. Additionally, our intercept survey company provides you with a curated list of example questions th

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  • Blog: Conducting Physicians Surveys | Laptop with doctor crossing his arms

    Surveying Physicians: Process, Tips & Examples

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, understanding the perspectives of physicians is invaluable. Surveying physicians can offer crucial insights into their experiences, challenges, and preferences, ultimately leading to improved patient care and more effective healthcare systems. Whether you're a healthcare administrator, researcher, or simply someone passionate about enhancing medical practices, conducting a physician survey can be a powerful tool in your arsenal. In this blog

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