Market Research Case Studies

  • usability-testing-methods-advantages-market-research

    What is Usability Testing? | Explaining the Definition, Methods, Advantages, and Disadvantages

    Usability testing or user testing is a qualitative market research technique in which participants evaluate a website, application, product, or prototype to test its ease and likelihood of use. This process allows organizations to uncover usability issues, collect explanatory feedback from their target audiences, and measure satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the topic of research. In short, usability research is more about testing a product, website, application, or prototype than testing th

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  • 5-Times-Customer-Feedback-Surveys-Made-us-Laugh-market-research

    5 Times Customer Feedback Surveys Made Us Laugh

    Sending a customer feedback survey on a regular basis is never a bad idea. A customer satisfaction survey offers valuable insight into what drives customer happiness and frustrations, allowing organizations to consistently improve it’s business practices. With the help of a well-constructed customer satisfaction survey, businesses are able to segment and prioritize areas of improvement. The data in turn can support your future marketing strategies through evidence-based insights. Even without ha

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  • approached-analyzing-open-ended-survey-response

    4 Approaches to Analyzing Open-Ended Survey Responses

    You can always learn something interesting when you include an open-ended question in an online survey. They are most beneficial when there is any uncertainty about the answers a respondent might provide to your question. With an open-ended question, researches can give respondents a text box and let them speak their mind. However, the first time you look at all the responses together in the data file, you might have an important question of your own: What is the best approach to analyzing all

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  • focus-group-recruitment-hosting-facility-case-study

    Case Study: Focus Group Recruitment and Hosting Facility

    Our market research company in Syracuse, NY gets this question a lot, "Can Drive Research help recruit for a focus group?" We also get this question a lot, "Can I learn more about the Drive Research focus group facility?" Safe to say the answer to both questions are YES! Recently, a research company reached out to Drive Research to help recruit for a focus group project and use the our focus group facility. Learn more about this project and outcomes for this focus group study! Drive Resear

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  • Case-Study-Airport-Uses-Intercept-Surveys-Mobility-Analytics-Create-Customer-Personas

    Case Study: Airport Uses Intercept Surveys and Mobility Analytics to Create Customer Personas

    The airport and airline industry is faced with many unique challenges when it comes to marketing their location or service. Oftentimes, consumers choose which airport to use based on convenience and proximity to where they are traveling from or traveling to. Another key factor for travelers choosing an airline is the cost of airfare in comparison to other area airports. The caveat here is the cost of airfare is not controlled by the airport. With the cost of airfare out of their control, how do

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    What is the Cost of an Intercept Survey? | Intercept Survey Company

    In recent years, businesses in North America have seen an increase in new email laws and powerful spam filters, impacting the delivery rate of emails being received by their customers and prospective clients. It is no wonder these organizations are finding it more challenging to collect important feedback regarding customer experience (CX) and drivers of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. As the reliability of email survey responses decline, there has been a resurgence of businesses using interce

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    4 Benefits of Focus Groups | Market Research Video

    A qualitative type of market research, focus groups involve a small group of participants (usually no more than 12) discussing their thoughts, opinions, and needs of a particular brand, product, or service. The group discussion is led by a qualified, trained moderator to keep the conversation on track and moving along. A focus group is unlike most other marketing research methodologies. It offers many benefits and value to all types of businesses. Watch as our focus group company outlines 4 key

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  • Phone-Surveys-Have-Place-Market-Research

    Do Phone Surveys Still Have a Place in Market Research? | Phone Survey Company

    With an increasing number of households ditching their landline phones, are phone surveys a lost cause? Although response rates have decreased throughout recent years, phone data collection has proven to still have a worthwhile place in market research. Phone surveys are useful when it comes to targeting specific, hard-to-reach audiences, allow for a more personalized survey experience, and produce high-quality responses. In this blog post, our phone survey company will dive deeper into the ben

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  • findings-cny-wine-survey-drive-research

    10 Findings from the Central New York Wine Survey | CNY Wine Survey Results

    Summer is in full swing in Central New York. This means it's prime time to visit local wineries and (of course) drink wine! Wondering what Central New Yorkers say their favorite type of wine is? Or their favorite Finger Lakes winery? How much money are residents of CNY most likely to spend on one bottle of wine? Drive Research, a market research company in Syracuse, has data to answer these questions and more! Project Background Drive Research just wrapped up the 2019 CNY wine survey. The sur

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  • case-study-credit-union-member

    Case Study: Credit Union Uses Market Research to Increase New Members

    A common challenge across all types of organizations is acquiring new business while keeping existing customers happy and loyal. Specifically, banks and credit unions struggle to maintain steady business development because of the perceived notion of, "It's too much of a hassle to switch banks." A great way banks and credit unions can overcome this perception is by using market research to speak with non-customers or the general public. By partnering with a market research company who specializ

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    Case Study: Client Satisfaction Survey for Fundraising Organization

    Most businesses check in with their clients from time to time to maintain their relationships and informally assess client needs. However, what if you are looking for a more holistic view of client satisfaction? You won't find this information easily through courtesy emails and phone calls. To really understand how your clients feel, you might want to consider partnering with a market research company to conduct a client satisfaction survey. By using a third party to speak with your clients, or

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  • case-study-employee-engagement-survey

    Case Study: Employee Engagement Survey for a Manufacturing Company

    Have you ever heard the saying, "if you don't appreciate your customers, someone else will." While this a great piece of advice, there is an audience you may be undervaluing that could lead to the decline in sales and office morale. Your employees! An employee engagement survey tests the level of passion, enthusiasm, and commitment an employee has to it's organization. If employees do not feel they are valued, they will not serve as company advocates to your customers. Worse, they might leave y

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