Other Market Research Services

  • Blog: Defining Ad Tracking Research (& All The Ways To Measure It)

    Defining Ad Tracking Research (& All The Ways To Measure It)

    When an advertisement goes live, it's hard not to feel optimistic that it will help increase sales and brand awareness. After all, you likely spent a lot of time and resources into producing the best ad possible. However, as the advertisement continues to be in the field, you have concerns about its effectiveness and wonder if it’s really performing the way it’s supposed to? Fortunately, ad tracking research can answer this question and plenty more. Understanding how an ad tracking research

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  • Blog:

    Brand Awareness Trackers: How to Measure Brand Recognition Over Time

    This blog post covers what brand awareness trackers are, what the objectives and approach might be, and the results you can expect to receive. Pop quiz! Do you know what percent of your target audience is aware of your brand, products, or services? It's okay, not many people do. After all, this metric can look like a stock’s value on Wall Street that constantly rises and falls for most brands. However, it’s still critical to measure the awareness of your brand- especially at regular interva

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  • Blog: Business Competitive Analysis: What Is It and How To Conduct a Successful Assessment

    Business Competitive Analysis: What Is It and How To Conduct a Successful Assessment

    Most businesses are well aware that they compete with others for a share of their market. But how many really understand the full picture of their competition? Enter a business competitive analysis. There may be plenty you have learned about your competitors over time through... Hearsay through customers Intel from industry contacts Your own informal research and poking around Because of this you probably have shaped a general profile of your top competitors. However, there is real value

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  • Blog: 5 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Mall Research

    5 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Mall Research

    With major retailers permanently closing their doors and consumers opting for online shopping (an issue only exacerbated by Coronavirus), the future for shopping malls is grim. According to CNBC,  25% of malls expected to close over the next 5 years. As mall foot traffic declines, that puts a hindrance on mall market research. For decades, retailers relied on mall market research methodologies such as: Kiosk surveys Intercept surveys Mobile ethnography However, this type of market research m

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  • Blog: How to Measure Product Awareness and Purchase Intent | Market Research Company

    How to Measure Product Awareness and Purchase Intent

    When it comes to promoting products and services, there are a lot of unanswered questions as it pertains to your target audience. What percentage of Americans are aware of your product or service? What percentage of Americans are aware of your competitor's products and services? Are certain demographics more aware of your brand vs. a competitor and vice versa? As with solving most business objectives, market research can help. Product awareness and purchase intent research provide brands with

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  • Blog: 3 Market Research Options for the Sports Industry

    3 Market Research Options for the Sports Industry

    The world of sports and entertainment is an ever-changing one. There has always been the need to evolve and adapt as audiences and economics shift over time. That’s where market research comes into play. See what I did there? Now, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, flexibility in the sports world is needed to succeed and survive. Here are three market research options that will encourage data-driven decision-making. Reasons for Conducting Market Research in Sports In 2020 we witne

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  • Blog: Eye-Tracking Market Research: How to Execute a Successful Shelf Testing Study

    Eye-Tracking Market Research: How to Execute a Successful Shelf Testing Study

    Today, shelf testing studies used to test the appeal of packaging design in real-time (either virtually or in-person) to get customer’s opinions. As a result, more and more brands are leveraging eye-tracking market research. Why? The use of eye-tracking in conjunction with other biometric devices provides an objective measure of product packaging performance. In this blog post, our CPG market research company discusses how eye-tracking works, tips for designing a proper shelf test with eye-tr

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  • How to Recruit Consumers for Shop-Alongs? | Grocery Market Research Company

    How to Recruit Consumers for Shop-Alongs? | Grocery Market Research Company

    There are a variety of market research options for grocery stores. Grocery research studies may include shop-alongs, mobile ethnography, intercept surveys, and mystery shopping. Each of these methodologies offers valuable and data-driven insights for the retail industry. In fact, our grocery market research company could make a case for why one of these options is better than the next. In order to select the best market research study for your supermarket, it is important to take a close look

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  • Mobile Ethnography Study: What Does Gen Z Think of School Provided Lunches?

    How does your child feel about school provided cafeteria lunches? Our client, a multi-generational research company, set out to gather opinions from Gen Z middle schoolers to answer this exact question. According to this article, Gen Z influences $600 billion in spending annually, makes up 40% of our consumer base, and spends $44 billion each year. That’s a lot of consumer power. Generation Z makes up those who are 6th through 9th graders (typically aged 11 to 14) which can pose a challenge to

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  • 3 Reasons Your Credit Union Needs to Survey Non-Members

    3 Reasons Your Credit Union Needs to Survey Non-Members

    A credit union has plenty of market research options dedicated to solving common challenges of a financial institution. Many financial market research studies center around new, current, and past members, such as new account surveys, member satisfaction surveys, and closed account surveys. While these three surveys are great resources for banks or credit unions, there is a study that often goes overlooked: non-member community surveys. Our bank and credit union market research company shares t

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  • Meeting Space in Syracuse, NY | Conference Room Rental

    Finding meeting spaces in Syracuse, NY can prove to be a difficult task. Depending on your needs some spaces may not offer the capabilities you need for the meeting or the location may not be convenient. It may take countless hours of research and calls to find a spot that meets your specifications. Find a meeting space in Syracuse, NY that is convenient, affordable, cutting-edge, and offers everything you need. Here are 14 benefits and amenities of the Drive Research meeting and conference

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  • three benefits of a non-member survey for credit unions | bank in clouds

    3 Main Benefits of Non-Member Community Surveys for Credit Unions

    Non-member community surveys for banks and credit unions are able to reach an entirely new audience and network of people. Just like there are major advantages of conducting regular customer satisfaction surveys with customers of your bank, the same can be said of collecting feedback from those who are currently banking elsewhere. The three main benefits of surveying non-members and what our bank and credit union market research company will talk about it greater detail in this blog post are:

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