Other Market Research Services

  • Blog: Five Market Research Options for EdTech Companies

    6 EdTech Market Research Options to Consider

    EdTech (Educational Technology) has become a booming industry, offering innovative solutions to enhance the educational experience. It revolutionized the way the educational system learns and teaches. However, for EdTech companies to succeed, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive market research. In this blog post, we will explore 6 essential EdTech market research options. Any of these methodologies will allow your team to gather valuable insights, refine your product or service offering,

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  • Blog Post: Pricing Sensitivity Surveys

    Pricing Sensitivity Surveys: How to Price Your Products & Services

    Deciding on a price for your new products or services can be tricky. Consumer expectations are constantly changing on the demand side. While logistics and internal resources largely determine what is possible on the supply side. So how do you make an informed decision on pricing? Enter pricing sensitivity surveys. This type of market research offers you and your organization a reliable, accurate way to land on a price tag that works for customers, you, and your bottom line. In this blog po

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  • Blog: eBanking Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Bank

    8 eBanking Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Online Bank

    As technology continues to transform the banking industry, more and more customers are turning to online banking solutions. eBanking, or Internet banking, is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience, speed, and accessibility. As a result, financial institutions are now recognizing the need to develop effective eBanking marketing strategies that can help them reach and retain their customers in the digital era. In this blog, we’ll explore marketing strategies that online banks and

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  • Travel & Tourism Market Research Options [+ Pros & Cons]

    Americans have the travel bug. So much so that travel spending was up to $93 million this past February. And with increased travel comes the potential for fantastic trips – and ones straight out of a nightmare. So to avoid those negative outcomes, we strongly suggest investing in travel and tourism market research options. To help, this post will share several different market research options for those in the travel and tourism industry. Any one of these types of market research methods det

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  • Blog: Advertising Testing with Market Research: How to Do It Successfully

    Advertising Testing with Market Research: How to Do It Successfully

    A common challenge among marketers is not seeing enough returns from their advertising efforts. It’s frustrating to spend money and time on a campaign that generates zero results. A surefire way to feel confident about investing resources into advertising is by testing its appeal first. Advertising testing with market research enables businesses to test their copy, design, ad channels, and messaging strategies before they go to market. In this blog post, we’ll explain more about advertisin

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  • business man playing chess against a competitor

    Best Types of Competitive Assessments (+ Pros & Cons)

    Whether you're Amazon, a local brick-and-mortar store, or an online Etsy shop, chances are you have competitors – and lots of them. Therefore, conducting a competitor analysis can be extremely influential in attracting and retaining customers. Luckily, there are many types of competitive assessments that can tackle your unique needs, big or small. In this post, we’ll cover the best options for competitor assessments including: Website competitor audits  Competitor product or service analy

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  • Conducting Stadium Experience Surveys: What Do Fans Really Want?

    There are many factors that contribute to a spectacular stadium experience. Good food, comfortable seating, clean bathrooms, and available parking to name a few. For fans, it's more than just the sport they are watching or the music act they are seeing that impacts their experience. Stadium experience surveys are an excellent tool to truly understand what specific factors drive attendance to a venue outside of the entertainment act. They can also provide insight into areas of satisfaction,

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  • Blog: Ultimate Guide to Market Research for Startups in 2023

    Market Research for Startups [2023 Ultimate Guide]

    Do you have a great business or product idea? Are you entertaining the idea of launching a startup? Perhaps there is no more exciting time than the spot you are in right now. How do I know? I’ve been there. My startup idea just happened to be a market research firm, so I am very excited to share my expertise on both of these topics. Startup market research can answer the common questions racing through your mind. Combatting the excitement and potential of your startup idea are likely some s

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  • Blog: In-Person Market Research is Dead: Reasons to Go Virtual

    How to Reshape Your Market Research for the Digital World

    The market research space is no easy one to explore. If you are looking to conduct a project, you are not short of options. The decision of what type of market research to conduct often starts with choosing between in-person methodologies (e.g., face-to-face) or virtual approaches. In this blog post, our market research company discusses some of the drivers of remote technologies and their benefits to help you better understand how to communicate and advocate for online techniques going forw

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  • how much does market research cost

    How Much Does Market Research Cost?

    The cost of market research depends on a variety of factors – audience, methodology, and incentives to name a few. For example, a simple online survey that collects 100 responses from a general population will be less expensive than a phone survey that collects 1,000 responses from millennial females. While there is no average number for market research costs, it can be helpful to understand what impacts price. In this blog post, we'll discuss these factors in more detail as well as compare

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  • Blog: Investing in Competitive Assessments: Why It's a Profitable Idea

    Investing in Competitive Assessments: Why It's a Profitable Idea

    We all want to know what our rivals are up to–the good news is that investing in competitive assessment can do just that. Roughly 53% of CEOs are uneasy about rival businesses, according to recent research. But investing in a competitive analysis gives you valuable insight that can propel your company forward–and way ahead of your rivals. In this post, we’ll be covering: A quick overview of rival assessments  Reasons to conduct assessments How often you should run assessments  Best fiel

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  • Blog: Example Influencer Marketing Campaigns to Inspire Your Next Collab

    Example Influencer Marketing Campaigns to Inspire Your Next Collab

    These days, few marketing initiatives are nearly as successful as influencer marketing campaigns. However, this is still a relatively new area of marketing, which means there are still plenty of questions about what an influencer campaign looks like and how to make it successful. Let's take a closer look at some of the most successful example influencer marketing campaigns and what ties them together. These can serve as great examples of how brands can create long-term influencer partnerships

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