Market Research Services Category

  • items to cover in market research kickoff meeting

    5 Items to Cover in a Market Research Kickoff Meeting | Company in NY

    As a market research company in Upstate NY, we host a lot of kickoff meetings for our clients. In fact, we hosted 2 of them today. We follow a well-built roadmap agenda for these meetings. Regardless of industry or client, all market research kickoff meetings should cover similar items. They can be structured and regimented to keep all teams and attendees on track to run an efficient and timely meeting. In this blog post, our market research company will discuss 5 items to cover in a market res

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  • market research buffalo key statistics and data

    Market Research Buffalo | Key Statistics and Data

    In this post we recap some key market research in Buffalo, NY. Drive Research is a market research firm in Buffalo which works with companies and organizations across Upstate New York to gather both primary and secondary research to answer key business questions. Our market research Buffalo services span from surveys, focus groups, phone interviews, Voice of Customer (VoC), and Customer Experience (CX). For a full list of market research services offered in Buffalo, read more here. The statisti

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  • profiles that buy into market research

    5 Profiles That Buy Into Market Research

    As we've talked about before on our blog, market research is truly a niche service. There are common types of profiles of market research buyers. These buyers are ones that believe in market research, need it, and understand the value in it. Drive Research talks a lot about market research providing our clients the knowledge, power, and confidence in decision-making and with these 5 buyer profiles it is no different. We characterize 5 typical market research buyers. While this list of 5 market

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  • Member Survey Options | Credit Union Market Research Firm

    Member Survey Options | Credit Union Market Research Firm

    So you've decided to embark on a member survey for your credit union. We say, good decision. But we're biased because we've seen the value market research can provide a financial institution. Methodologies like surveys, focus groups, and mystery shopping give credit unions the knowledge, power, and confidence to make fact-based and evidence-based decisions. Decisions based on data positively influence your credit union's operations, marketing, and strategy. The first question you're likely ask

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  • advantages of working with small market research firm

    3 Advantages of Working with a Small Market Research Firm

    Since bigger isn’t always better, we thought you might be wondering about the advantages of working with a small market research firm. There are lots of benefits to working with a start-up company and a small market research firm but we'd like to recap 3 of the major ones in this post. Never forget - Team work makes the dream work. Let’s face it. Innovation is all around us, which can make several market research processes better and faster. If you’ve conducted market research before, I’m sure

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  • signs its time to switch market research company

    4 Signs It Is Time to Switch Your Marketing Research Company

    The grass is always greener? Not always the case, but it's human nature to wonder. No different in market research and the B2B service market. For many small and mid-size businesses market research is more ad-hoc than continual. It's used to answer specific questions or obtain feedback as needed for very particular projects. Then, it's put aside until another need comes 6 or 12 months down the road. Here is your ultimate guide to market research for small businesses. Because of the irregularit

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  • need market research quote ultimate checklist

    Need a Market Research Quote? Use These Ultimate Checklists

    The main advantage of market research is the scope can be customized to almost any budget. A major drawback of market research is that the scope can customized to fit a wide range of budgets. Unfortunately, it's both a pro and a con. Therefore it becomes difficult to understand the cost of market research early in the process because it can range so widely. So, here you are, likely seeking a quote on market research or seeking some advice on requesting market research quotes. Well, you've come

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  • market research syracuse firm benefits

    Benefits of Working with a Start-Up Market Research Firm | Syracuse NY

    Looking for a market research firm? You'll likely come across a few options in your search. As a decision-maker you're probably wondering what differentiates the market research firms you're looking at nationally? How can we ensure we make the right choice? Should you choose a company based on specialty in your industry, cost of the work, ability to meet your aggressive timeline or something else? I was once told, "don't tell companies you're a start-up" but I completely disagree. We fully embr

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  • choosing market research company syracuse

    5 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Market Research Company in Syracuse

    Choosing a market research company can seem like a daunting task. In many cases for small and even larger businesses, market research is unfamiliar territory. Questions about scope, cost, and how a market research consultant can assist emerge quickly. Since many organizations employ market research infrequently, they are often left wondering "how do I get started?" The good news is simply by reaching out to a local market research company early in the process you can find answers. The market re

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  • market research kickoff syracuse

    Follow These 6 Tips for a Better Market Research Kickoff Meeting | Market Research Company Syracuse, NY

    Your market research kickoff meeting is the first step to a successful project. It sets the tone for the entire market research process. Once the agreement page is signed and the NDA is checked off, the kickoff meeting is your next step. Although lots of work went into the proposal or scope of work, the kickoff meeting is a market research company's first chance to engage the client as a true customer. Drive Research is a market research company in Syracuse, NY. The kickoff meeting should invo

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  • comprehensive guide to market research for small businesses

    A Comprehensive Guide to Market Research for Small Businesses

    With market research, you'll never be short of options. Unfortunately as a small business, this means choosing the right market research approach can be easily overwhelming. Some larger market research firms may try to sell you the farm when you only need a cow. However, the best market research consultants will work with you to understand your needs and most importantly, help you define what your are looking to do with the data? For example, is your small business looking for data to help guid

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  • strategic planning market research albany ny

    How Can Market Research Be Used to Fuel Strategic Planning?

    The process of strategic planning is very broad. It typically involves a management team that gets together to talk about strategy, operations, human resources, and marketing for the upcoming quarter, year, or longer term. It's a process in which goals and benchmarks are created for the organization. It often lays out a vision and approach for all divisions in an organization to ensure everyone is working towards common goals. How can market research be used to fuel strategic planning? Sev

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