Market Research Services Category

  • shopping-trips-market-research-01172019

    Understanding Accompanied Shopping Trips | Market Research Benefits

    Sometimes in market research, reliance on a respondent’s memory just won’t do the trick to get the true answers. This is usually most true for research that requires many fine details or focuses on interactions with surroundings, like shopping research. Simulations do a better job of evoking the mindset of a real-world experience for participants but can still suffer from feeling too artificial. In cases like these, the best methodology is often an Accompanied Shopping Trip (AST). Also known a

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  • consider-research-partner-01072019

    4 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Market Research Partner

    We are living in the age of consumer convenience. Shipping is as fast as the blink of an eye. Purchases can be made online with a single click. Customer support is available around the clock. Businesses are catering to the demands of consumers like never before. Now we are seeing businesses that want to experience this new standard of service for themselves, and who can blame them? In the market research industry, these emerging client needs can be met through a partnership between the client a

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  • market-research-traits-12282018

    Best Market Research Companies | 13 Traits to Look For

    Not all market research companies are created equal. Searching for a quality vendor can be an overwhelming process for you as you try to balance budget with expertise. Outside of just market research, we are all looking for a vendor we can trust, who does quality work, and is affordable. Without having any prior experience with a market research company, this can become a difficult proposition. Here are 13 traits the best market research companies exemplify. Some of these traits are likely ass

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  • market-research-manufacturers-process-12212018

    Market Research for Manufacturers | How the Survey Process Works?

    If you are thinking about running a market research project for your manufacturing company, make sure you do it right. Rather than just quickly throwing together a survey make sure you and your team have thought through the objectives and what you want to get from the market research efforts. Ask yourself these 3 questions: What do you want to learn from the market research? What are your expectations of the market research? How would you like to use the results to guide next steps? Once you

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  • market-research-beginners-12072018

    Market Research for Beginners | Where to Get Started?

    Market research involves gathering information about needs, wants, preferences, and opinions. Market research is essential to the success of a company, organization, product, or brand, and it can be used to develop knowledge about a multitude of topics. Through market research, you can quickly become an expert on almost any topic through primary or secondary efforts. Market research can be used to better understand your customers’ preferences and needs, discover consumer buying habits, gauge br

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  • influence-market-research-firm-11212018

    4 Factors Which Should Influence the Decision of Your Market Research Firm

    Market research is instrumental to the success of a business or organization. It is possible for a business or organization to conduct their own market research projects (do-it-yourself or DIY) and I have previously written about low-budget market research options, but in order to maximize the benefits of a market research project, a professional market research company must be hired. According to Quirk’s directory of market research companies in the United States, there are almost 3,500 compan

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  • insight-analysis-customer-data-base-market-research-11202018

    Customer Insights Analysis: A Service to Help Profile Your Customer Database

    If you have a customer database or CRM tool, you are likely sitting on a wealth of information which can be used to generate customer insights, customer profiles, and customer segments. It's probably one of those things you and your organization has always wanted to dig into but it likely sits on the back burner due to a lack of time to give it the proper attention. Our partnership with a local agency with a national reach gives us the ability to gather an incredible amount of behavioral and de

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  • global-market-research-10182018

    4 Tips for Global Market Research

    It has never been easier to conduct market research on a global scale. Widespread adoption of technology and access to the Internet are making international business possible almost anywhere in the world. However, before diving headfirst into a global market research initiative, know what you are getting yourself into. It won't be as simple as copying and pasting your standard practices that you've perfected for domestic research. Instead, there are a number of new factors to consider as your o

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  • shop-market-research-process-09282018

    Shop-alongs in Market Research | A Definition and the Process

    Companies are all in competition for consumer attention. Why wouldn’t they be? There are numerous products and services that are comparable and similar on multiple levels, but every company wants the consumer to buy their product or service over the competition. How does a company, brand, product, or service stand out against to the competition? They effectively market to their ideal customer by grabbing their attention and guiding them to a buying decision. There are numerous factors that infl

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  • shop-market-research-process-09282018

    Market Research Quotes | 5 of My Favorites

    As a full-service market research company, we love to talk about quotes. It is not just the traditional quote or estimate for a project which you can receive from our team quickly by sending us a message here. Our team typically responds within a few hours! For this post, I am writing about the other types of quotes, as in sayings that inspire our team. Below you will find 5 of my favorite quotes in market research with some meaning behind each. Top 5 Market Research Quotes “You can tell

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  • need-market-research-answer-07122018

    Do I Need Market Research? | 44 Questions It Can Answer

    We would argue there is always a time and place in business for market research. If timeline and budget were no obstacle, every decision made would be backed by data, facts, and evidence collected through market research. Deciding on a time for your weekly meeting with your team? Send out a survey to inquire about best times and days for everyone. Deciding on where to go to lunch tomorrow? Host a focus group with your team to understand preferences for Mexican, Thai, or Italian. Simple and far

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  • manufacturing-options-market-research-07062018

    Market Research Options for Manufacturing

    If you work in manufacturing you are likely familiar with options. Your company likely offers anywhere from one hundred to hundreds of thousands of SKUs or more. When it comes to choosing a market research project, the landscape is similar. Lots of options. We always recommend getting some advice from a manufacturing market research company. Regardless of whether you decide to use the consultant or continue in-house, the vendor should offer some insight and expertise into the right next steps f

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