Market Research Services Category

  • focus-group-vs-survey-research

    Focus Groups vs. Online Surveys: Making The Right Choice

    When it comes to understanding what your customers or target audience really wants, you've got options. Two popular types of market research are focus groups and online surveys. But how do you know which one is right for you? Don't worry, we're here to help you figure that out. In this article, our market research company takes a closer look at focus groups and online surveys. We'll break down what makes each of them tick, what they're good at, and where they might fall short. By the time w

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  • market research options banks credit unions

    Bank & Credit Union Market Research Options for 2024

    As financial institutions face increasing competition and changing customer expectations, it's essential to stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and consumer preferences. Luckily, there are several bank and credit union market research options that can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, industry trends, and competitive landscape. For financial services organizations looking to gain a competitive edge, market research can also help inform strategic decision-making, impro

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    13 Types of Market Research (+ Pros & Cons)

    Today’s business decision-maker has an abundance of marketing research services available to them. Understanding what market research is and how best to use research methodologies to your advantage is vital in reaching your target customers and increasing ROI. There are 13 types of market research, each with their own pros and cons: Online Surveys Phone Surveys Customer Surveys Omnibus Surveys Mail Surveys Intercept Surveys Ad Concept Testing PR Surveys Mystery Shopping Shop-Alongs Focus G

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  • desk-researcher-how-use-02142019

    Desk Research: What It Is and How You Can Use It

    Access to reliable and relevant information is crucial for making informed decisions and staying ahead of the competition. This is where desk research, also known as secondary research or library research, proves to be an indispensable tool. By harnessing existing sources of data, from published reports and academic papers to market studies and industry analyses, desk research empowers individuals and organizations to delve into a wealth of knowledge without the need for expensive and time-con

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  • benefits of using third party market research firm

    Benefits of Using a Third-Party Market Research Firm

    So, you’ve made the decision–you want to dive into market research to help boost your business somehow. When it comes to conducting market research, your organization has two choices: Conduct the study through DIY market research Conduct the study using a third-party market research firm I suppose a third choice exists of not doing the market research at all, but we wouldn't recommend this. Each of the first two options provides its own unique advantages and disadvantages. As a third-part

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    What are the Benefits of Market Research?

    What are the benefits of market research? There are plenty. Put simply, the advantages of conducting marketing research center around 3 key areas: Strategic benefits Marketing benefits Operational benefits Market research is typically used to address at least one of and sometimes all three of these outcomes. Choose to complete market research and you should expect a standing ovation from all of your colleagues. It's that good of a decision. What Types of Businesses Use Market Research?

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  • write market research rfp

    How to Write a Market Research Request for Proposal [+ Free Template]

    Writing a market research request for proposal (RFP) can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task. The RFP process involves a lot of time, energy, and information gathering. This of course is all the work that comes before you've even started the massive task of reviewing the submissions and selecting a vendor. Oftentimes it takes days if not weeks to review all the submissions as a team and find the best market research company that fits your needs. But that's a little down the road for

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  • how long does market research take

    How Long Does Market Research Take?

    From focus groups to in-depth interviews to surveys, are you left wondering how long market research actually takes? In truth, the answer is that your market research timeline depends on many factors. However, we can provide some more information and context to those timelines below. There are several different factors involved which impact timelines for market research, but the biggest factors are: Understanding the objectives of the research. Developing an effective market research method

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    Market Research: Is In-House or Outsourced Better?

    Market research is one of the most crucial things a company can invest in as part of their digital marketing, sales, or overall business strategy. Various types of market research methodologies help an organization understand: Customer satisfaction Competition Pricing models Consumers habits Market trends Product or project feasibility Employee engagement Overall, quantitative and qualitative market research strategies help companies investigate and answer questions that influence their str

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    How Can Market Research Help a Business?

    Market research can help a business in a number of ways. It works as a true investment for an organization. Conducting market research ensures a higher chance of business success, reduces risk in your strategy and helps your product and services match the needs of your customers or potential customers. However, there are still a number of businesses and organizations who decide not to use it. They feel as though they know the answers, their perspective is the only one that matters, or they

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  • sign you should invest market research

    9 Signs You Should Invest in Market Research

    Market research. Do I need to invest in it? Why do I need it? What can it answer for me? What will I get for ROI? How do I know if I need it? Unlike marketing or advertising, market research is a very specialized and niche service offered by very few firms in local and regional markets. Because so many small and mid-size businesses use it infrequently, it's hard to determine when you should invest in market research and when you shouldn't. Well, our national market research company is here

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  • benefits of using a third party panel market research company

    Benefits of Using a Third-Party Market Research Panel

    What if I told you the potential to learn from consumers and customers quickly to drive decision-making is easy and is right in front of you? I think we’d be in agreement that it’s something worth exploring! Third-party market research panels offer just that – a quick and easy way to get feedback from consumers. Better yet, they are available right in the palm of our hands whenever you need it. What if I told you the potential to learn from consumers and customers quickly to drive decision-mak

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