Voice of Customer
8 Questions to Include in Your Customer Survey | VoC Company
Posted at: 3/27/2018 6:47 PM
If you are thinking about conducting a customer survey at your company, you're moving in the right direction. Customer feedback can help an organization understand what they do well, what needs to improve, and how to best market to new customers. But developing the questionnaire can be quite a task. What questions do we ask? How do we ask them? How many questions do we ask? If you're asking yourself these common questions about Voice of Customer (VoC), we are here to help. Our VoC company gi
5 Rules of Voice of Customer (VoC) | Market Research Supplier
Posted at: 3/26/2018 6:11 PM
Voice of Customer (VoC) is one of the most popular forms of market research. It is the essence of market research: reaching out to customers, asking for feedback, listening, and taking action. I spent the last week traveling across the northeast to present at several Digital Marketing Bootcamps in Worcester, MA, Albany, NY, and Syracuse, NY. There, I spoke about the benefits of using VoC for digital marketing strategies. Here is a recap of the 5 rules of VoC I discussed. Most of these center ar
8 Common Voice of Customer (VoC) Mistakes | VoC Company
Posted at: 3/13/2018 3:50 PM
We've said it before on our Voice of Customer (VoC) company blog, and we'll say it again. No single type of study offers better ROI and a higher return than a customer survey. The process itself is very straightforward. It involves several steps from kickoff through reporting. Here are the 8 steps of a Voice of Customer (VoC) survey. Proposal Kickoff Survey Design Programming and Testing Soft-Launch of Fieldwork Full Launch of Fieldwork Analysis Reporting Depending on the scope of a VoC surve
4 Value-Added Customer Survey Question Examples | Market Research Firm
Posted at: 3/5/2018 3:41 PM
Without a doubt, the focus of your customer survey should be on answering your key objectives. Items such as "What is our customer satisfaction score?" "What is our net promoter score (NPS)?" "What are our customers most pleased with?" "What does our organization need to improve?" These types of questions are the main drivers behind using services like Voice of Customer (VoC), Customer Experience (CX), and customer surveys. Answers to these questions can drive your organizational marketing, ope
5 Ways to Collect Customer Feedback
Posted at: 2/13/2018 6:44 PM
Choices. Choices. When it comes to market research, you will have a lot of options to choose from. One of the first decisions you'll need to make in-house or through the expert advice of a customer survey company is what type of methodology to move forward with. The 5 options below all center around quantitative projects. This main focus of quantitative is measurement. This is different from qualitative market research which aims to dig deep and explore. If a customer survey is of particular in
Voice of Customer (VoC) Research in Action
Posted at: 2/2/2018 4:27 PM
One of my favorite things to hear about in the news is companies putting customer feedback to good use! Voice of Customer (VoC) research gathers the thoughts and opinions from (you guessed it) customers. While I work with this type of research everyday it's great to see it promoted and discussed on a national level... especially when coffee is involved (note the foreshadowing). There are various different research methodologies organizations can use to collect VoC data. Classic examples of VoC
Customer Survey Company for Manufacturing | How It Works?
Posted at: 1/30/2018 3:55 PM
Are you thinking about conducting a customer survey for your manufacturing company? As a customer survey company, we know a thing or 100 about the Voice of Customer (VoC) process. In this post you'll learn more about the benefits of pursuing a customer survey and how the results create insight, action, and change. It will also teach you about the basic steps involved to get your manufacturing company started with the customer survey process. What more could you ask for? What is the Value in
Credit Union Member Surveys | An Inside Look at How the Process Works
Posted at: 12/1/2017 8:23 PM
When it comes to credit union member surveys, you will not be short on choices. Some of the core methodologies include a credit union member mail survey, member email survey, or member phone survey. Each of these 3 core methodologies have their own unique pros and cons. Pros and Cons of a Member Mail Survey With a mail survey you can reach all members in one reach-out. It also adds a more personal and formal touch to the member survey process (versus an informal email). Our credit union market
4 Problems VoC Can Solve | Voice of Customer Research Firm
Posted at: 9/28/2017 5:19 PM
One of the biggest buzz words in market research these days is VoC aka Voice of Customer research. Maybe it's something you've heard of, maybe it's not, or maybe you've looked into it but you're not exactly sure what it is? Don't worry - I've got you covered. Our Voice of Customer (VoC) market research firm has got your covered. VoC research is used to listen to customers. Sometimes you've got to take the "headphones" off to truly listen. When I say listening I don't mean calling up a custome
6 CRM Data Points to Seed Into Your Customer Survey | Firm in Upstate NY
Posted at: 9/15/2017 2:52 PM
As a customer survey firm in Upstate NY, we've worked with a lot of clients to design, manage, and execute market research projects. Customer surveys and Voice of Customer (VoC) studies are some of the most commonly requested market research projects from prospects. True in Upstate New York and across the country. Organizations want to execute a customer survey for a number of reasons. Their goals and objectives usually mimic one or more of the following: (1) We want to learn more about our
3 Reasons You Should Consider a Voice of Customer (VoC) Research Company
Posted at: 9/12/2017 2:05 PM
If you've been to the Drive Research blog before, you know we spend a lot of time talking about Voice of Customer (VoC) market research. Our VoC company has covered lots of VoC topics. Why? Because we are big believers in aligning corporate strategy with the needs and wants of customers. No single mission will create a better win-win than decisions derived through customer feedback. We do run into questions from clients asking whether they should manage VoC market research in-house. The clear
4 Common Issues with Customer Surveys and How to Fix Them
Posted at: 9/8/2017 1:49 PM
A customer survey is a type of market research that spans far and wide. Our customer surveys are conducted in Syracuse, NY, all across Upstate New York, and across the country. Customer surveys are conducted in all industries including retail, manufacturing, financial services, advertising, and any type of small business. They are cost effective, offer a quick turnaround time, and provide actionable feedback. Customer surveys can be conducted through a variety of methodologies. These include on