Voice of Customer

  • what how why voice of customer voi market research

    Voice Of The Customer: All You Need to Know

    In today's fast-paced business landscape, understanding the needs, preferences, and expectations of customers is paramount for success. This is where Voice of Customer (VoC) market research emerges as a pivotal tool. By tapping into the authentic voices of consumers, VoC research provides invaluable insights that shape strategies, drive innovation, and foster customer-centric approaches. In this blog post, our market research company will share the what, how, and why of voice of customer re

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  • Blog: How Often Should I Survey My B2B Customers?

    How Often Should I Survey My B2B Customers?

    A big part of conducting B2B market research is surveying customers to gather valuable feedback. However, the frequency with which you survey your B2B customers depends on multiple different factors. So while no one answer applies to every organization, factors such as your industry, the products/services you sell, and your customer profiles can help determine how often you should survey customers. Taking these into account will simplify the process as you're navigating when to touch base ag

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  • What is a Customer Profile? [+How to Create One]

    What is a customer profile? Customer profiles allow businesses to understand who purchases from them and why they do so. This profile includes important customer details like their needs, preferences, and other important demographic information. This information is used by the business to understand how they can better market to their base. What Is The Definition of a Customer Profile? A customer profile details the preferences and needs of a brand's average consumer. Profiles vary widel

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  • Blog: What is Customer Engagement?

    What is Customer Engagement? [From Market Research Experts]

    Customer engagement is the ongoing interaction and relationship-building between a business and its customers, characterized by personalized communication, exceptional service, and efforts to provide value beyond transactions. Brands that place importance on the shopping experience of their customers will almost always see high levels of customer engagement. In this blog post, our market research company dives into what customer engagement is, how to measure it, and the importance of improvi

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  • voc questions market research tips

    53 Must-Have Voice of Customer (VoC) Survey Questions

    Your Voice of Customer (VoC) market research program and outcomes are only as good as the instrument and questions you ask in your survey. Wouldn't we all love to ask our customers 100 questions? Unfortunately, they do not have the time, and most aren't willing to spend more than about 3 to 5 minutes answering a survey. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure the 15 questions you choose to ask are the right ones. The VoC questions you choose depend on a number of factors: Your line of busin

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  • Customer Acquisition Strategies for Financial Institutions

    It’s likely you’ve been tasked with growing the number of customers or members at your financial institution. It is no easy task and developing customer acquisition strategies comes with a lot of barriers. But understanding more about the formula to acquire new members or customers in your market will help you develop unique strategies to attack the market and grow your customer base. Challenges of Acquiring New Banking Customers The total market for potential banking customers is capped

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  • Blog: Improving Customer Service: Tips for Winning Big with Customers

    Improving Customer Service: Tips for Winning Big with Customers

    It should go without saying, but if your business doesn't have excellent customer service, your business won't be open for long. Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic. But it's kind of true. Why? Because customer service is the foundation of your company. If you're not prioritizing improving customer service, then your retention rates will also suffer. And with repeat customers reportedly spending an average of 67% more than new customers, you're leaving a lot of money on the table. What's

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  • Blog: How to Drive Business Innovation with Customer Data

    How to Drive Business Innovation with Customer Data

    While we all dream about identifying the next big idea. A product, service, or solution that solves people's challenges and makes us the next Steve Jobs. However, this type of innovation rarely happens in a vacuum, but instead requires a cultural and financial commitment, patience, and dedication. The most straightforward pathway to successfully leveraging innovation to drive revenue involves utilizing the voice of customer data to navigate the process. There is no need to guess where the o

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  • Blog: Conduct an Annual Customer Survey

    How to Conduct a Logistics Company Customer Survey

    Recently, a logistics and transportation company partnered with Drive Research to conduct an annual customer survey. For information on the 2021 iteration, click here. When it comes to Voice of Customer (VoC) research, we’re all about the process. The steps of a transportation VoC study include: Quote/proposal Kickoff meeting to discuss the goals and objectives Designing the VoC study Executing fieldwork Analyzing and reporting on the results While those are the steps of a continuous custo

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  • Blog: 5 Ways to Attract More Repeat Customers to Your Brand

    5 Ways to Attract More Repeat Customers to Your Organization

    What feels better than attracting new businesses? Turning those people into brand loyalists and repeat customers for life. It's better for business too. According to SEMrush, the probability of selling to an existing customer is between 60% and 70%. And the probability of selling to a new customer is only between 5% to 20%. Despite these figures, 44% of businesses focus on customer acquisition, while only 18% focus on customer retention. There are several customer retention strategies orga

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  • Blog: Customer Motivation Surveys: Benefits, Process, and Sample Questions

    Customer Motivation Surveys: Benefits, Process, and Sample Questions

    Are you wondering what moves a customer from the initial awareness stages to becoming a life-long customer? Well, like most business questions and objectives - there’s a market research study that can answer this quorum. Customer motivation surveys are used by businesses to understand what motivates shoppers to move from awareness to interest to ultimately making a purchase. Knowing what motivates customers also helps set businesses up for success with customer satisfaction and loyalty. For

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Transportation Company VoC Survey | Voice of Customer Market Research

    How to Conduct a Transportation Company VoC Survey

    According to Linchpin, altering customer expectations is one of the biggest challenges the transportation industry will have to overcome in 2021. Keeping this challenge top of mind, many are conducting a transportation company Voice of Customer (VoC) survey to offer exceptional value to their passengers. With 75% of Americans planning to travel in the next six months, there is perhaps a no better time to measure areas of satisfaction and opportunity within transportation services. Continue re

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