Online Surveys

  • Blog: Struggling to Find Survey Respondents? Use These Four Tips.

    [OLD] Struggling to Get More Survey Responses? Use These 9 Tips

    Wondering why you are not seeing many responses to your survey? This is a common challenge our online survey company hears from prospective clients. The top culprits of low response survey response rates are often related to things like... Issues with the survey writing Setting too narrow of an audience Not using a credible resource for survey respondents Not offering an incentive that motivates the respondents you are trying to reach to fully complete the survey Ultimately, it’s helpful t

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  • Blog: How to Survey Dentists and Orthodontists

    How to Survey Dentists and Orthodontists

    It’s safe to say that consumers will gravitate toward healthcare products that are backed by a professional in the field. This is just as true for oral care products and services–if not more so. As product growth in the dental market begins to rise, it's in the best interest of oral health brands to turn to research with those in the industry. For dental health companies that want to understand how to survey dentists for useful product feedback, they must learn how to navigate research with

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  • online survey testing checklist

    Online Survey Testing: What to Look for Before Hitting Send

    Your online survey is written, programmed, and ready to go - but before sending it into fieldwork, have you properly tested it? Just like there is a science behind survey writing, there is a method to the madness of online survey programming. Simple mistakes can impact data quality and respondent experience, which means the decisions you make based on the results will suffer as well. Take the time to thoroughly pre-test your survey - we promise you won't regret it! The steps to successfull

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  • Blog: How to Survey Pediatricians: Earning Feedback from Children’s Doctors

    Surveying Pediatricians: How to Collect Data from Children’s Doctors

    In a field as fast-paced as medicine, healthcare brands are consistently pumping out new, innovative products. In addition to the added competition, the process of purchasing and selling medical technologies is constantly evolving. Our healthcare market research company could argue that pediatric services and products are some of the fastest items to evolve on the market. Parent demands are high, as is the need for keeping their children healthy. To remain competitive, it is important to ea

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  • Blog: Children Run Together to the Summer Camp

    How to Increase Summer Camp Registrations and Attract Families

    What better way to improve your summer program than to rely on direct feedback from your campers and their parents or guardians? While there are several different ways to get their opinions and understand areas of improvement, online surveys have proven to be an effective outlet for gathering this information. Take for example a recent project our market research company completed for a daycare and learning center in Portland, Oregon. Below we share our easy-to-follow process for conducting

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Telehealth Satisfaction Survey | Healthcare Market Research Company

    How to Conduct a Telehealth Satisfaction Survey

    Over the past decade, telehealth has slowly evolved into healthcare facilities across the world. However, it was not until more recently that telemedicine became more widespread. A survey by our healthcare market research firm shows that 64% of people are more likely to consider using telemedicine or digital healthcare since COVID-19 hit. For this reason, many healthcare institutions are conducting telehealth satisfaction surveys with their patients to measure how they feel about this new ag

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  • Blog: Surveying Gynecologists: 6 Steps of Obstetrician Market Research

    Surveying Gynecologists: 6 Steps of Obstetrician Market Research

    Just as medicine has various specialties, so does market research. In today's post, we'll be covering how to survey gynecologists through the use of online healthcare market research. Surveying obstetricians can reveal key data that will work to improve medical treatments, products and other important factors. This allows healthcare and wellness brands to perfect their services. Keep reading to learn how to create a survey for gynecologists. Benefits of Conducting Market Research with Gy

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  • Blog: How to Survey Dermatologists: Key Steps to Consider

    How to Survey Dermatologists: Key Steps to Consider

    There are many reasons to conduct online surveys and healthcare market research with dermatologists. Some key reasons may be: Feedback on patient/practitioner relations Feedback on new healthcare product concepts Understanding common pain points Regardless of your objectives, conducting market research with doctors is unlike any other audience. They are short on time and therefore need higher incentives to share their feedback. Luckily, our healthcare market research company has experience

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  • Bot on the internet

    How to Spot Poor Survey Respondents: Ask These Questions

    Data quality is always a hot topic when it comes to online surveys. It can feel defeating when a researcher meticulously designs a survey only to find poor data quality lurking in the responses. There are 4 types of online survey respondents that scare the $&#@ out of researchers. The speeder The professional The one who doesn’t read directions The tech wiz Keep reading to learn how to spot poor quality survey responses, what causes illegitimate data, and five unique survey questions to ask

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  • Blog: How to Determine Opportunity Size When Expanding into New Markets

    How to Determine Opportunity Size When Expanding into New Markets

    It’s safe to assume you’ve stumbled on this blog post because your organization has been brainstorming on a new product or service idea. Perhaps you’re planning on commercializing this new concept, but are unsure if it will result in a significant ROI. The costs needed to develop new product expansions are rarely minimal. Therefore, to make smart, informed decisions you want to determine the potential opportunity size for entering a new market. To measure the appeal of a new product concept

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  • Blog: Using Surveys to Improve Student Attrition and Graduation Rates

    Using Surveys to Improve Student Attrition and Graduation Rates

    Student attrition and graduation rates can be a major pain point for educational institutions across the U.S. Disruptions to the classroom environment from the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, have thrown a wrench into the capacity to keep students enrolled. Many schools are left asking what they could have done differently to prevent students from leaving for another institution or dropping out of school entirely. It’s an issue that probably looks a little different for every educational i

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  • How to Conduct a Patient Loyalty Survey | Medicare Patient Survey Results

    Patient Loyalty Surveys: How (& Why) to Run Them

    Market research and healthcare seem to go hand-in-hand these days. That's because healthcare market research such as patient loyalty surveys provides healthcare practices with a better understanding of similarities and differences among their patients. Healthcare practices often want to better understand the patient experience and levels of satisfaction. The results from these studies are often broken down by several different factors such as: Level of insurance  Insurance carrier Primary

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