Qualitative Recruiting

  • participate-increase-market-research-tips-03112019

    How to Increase Participation in Qualitative Research

    Participants are the bread and butter of any kind of research study. Unfortunately, it can be a daunting task to find a group of people that match your target audience who want to willingly provide their in-depth feedback. However, simple tasks from reminders to open communication to snacks can take the stress out of recruiting participants for your qualitative research. We’ll walk you through the specific steps for recruitment below, and pinpoint key areas to focus on. You’ll also be able

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  • Blog: 3 Benefits of Hiring Market Research Recruitment Agencies

    3 Benefits of Hiring Market Research Recruitment Agencies

    The scene: you’re super pumped about a new product or service your company has. You’re excited about all the positive feedback, sales, and potential exposure it’ll bring to your brand. But before launching your new concept, you’d like to host an online focus group with target consumers to gauge their interest level, suggested areas of improvement, and discuss what product similar to yours they are currently using. That’s where your new best friends (market research recruitment agencies) come

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  • Blog: What Impacts the Feasibility of a Market Research Study?

    What Impacts the Feasibility of a Market Research Study?

    Deciding on your target audience is an important step when constructing a plan for your market research project. In most instances, brands interested in conducting research have an idea of who they want to target in their future marketing campaigns or product and service offerings. However, there are a few things to consider before settling on your ideal participant. How does your target audience impact feasibility?  How do study requirements impact feasibility?  What does a low feasibility p

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  • Blog: International Market Research: How to Survey Markets Across the Globe

    International Market Research: How to Survey Markets Across the Globe

    Conducting business internationally, while profitable, isn't short of challenges. Engagement differs across markets, aligning sales and marketing efforts needs extreme coordination, the list goes on. Luckily, market research can help. Learn more about a recent study our market research company conducted on behalf of an international healthcare company that wanted to learn more about their members and non-members across Chile, Mexico, and the U.S. Challenge: Improving Customer Retention &

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  • Blog 6 Market Research Participant Red Flags to Look for in Qualitative Recruiting

    6 Market Research Participant Red Flags to Look for in Qualitative Recruiting

    The quality of your market research findings is a direct correlation to the quality of your research participant. A few weeks ago we talked about the characteristics of a good research participant, but what should you avoid? In this blog post, our qualitative recruiting company describes 6 red flags that would make someone a bad candidate for research projects. The quality of your market research findings is a direct correlation to the quality of your research participant. Don't overlook thes

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  • Blog: How to Conduct Market Research with Pet Owners

    How to Conduct Market Research with Pet Owners

    It should come as no surprise that people love their pets and treat them like family. Today, 70% of U.S. households (that's 90.5 million American households) have a pet. As more and more people welcome a furry friend to their family, pet owners are becoming more conscious of the food and treats they are purchasing. For example, a recent study by NBCI showed that most pet owners reported giving equal (53%) or more priority (44%) to buying healthy food for their pets compared with themselves. W

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  • Blog: 5 Characteristics to Look for When Recruiting Market Research Participants

    5 Characteristics to Look for When Recruiting Market Research Participants

    Finding high-quality market research participants can be a tricky process for many recruiters. However, as challenging as it can be, it is one of the most important components of conducting qualitative research studies. Below Drive Research outlines the 5 characteristics to look for in a participant when recruiting for market research projects. Characteristic #1: Takes the project seriously Those who are unfamiliar with market research may not understand the importance of its findings. I

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  • Blog: The Importance of Re-screening Phone Calls When Recruiting Participants for Market Research

    The Importance of Re-screening Phone Calls When Recruiting Participants for Market Research

    Making re-screening phone calls, while underutilized, is a vital step in ensuring a market research project’s success. Don’t fall into the trap of believing the qualitative recruiting process is complete after enough people have qualified through an emailed screener survey and signed up to participate. The more one-on-one, personalized communication with participants the better! For this reason, personalized follow-up phone calls are an important part of various types of market research. Belo

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  • what is recruitment screener

    What is a Recruitment Screener in Market Research?

    A recruitment screener is a document, survey, or call script used to qualify participants for qualitative market research such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, in-home usage tests, and more. Market research companies and their clients create parameters or quotas for the qualitative research sessions, meaning the types of participants they would like to attend. Designing a recruitment screener is a necessary step as it saves time and money when recruiting qualified participants for qualita

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Beverage Development Market Research Study

    How to Conduct a Beverage Development Market Research Study

    With consumer trends constantly evolving, brands need to adjust their strategy and their products to keep up. Market research is a valuable tool for brands to ensure they are staying relevant in the ever-changing market. For example, one leading manufacturer of carbonated soft drinks partnered with our research firm to conduct a two-part taste testing market research study of a new product. In this case study, Drive Research outlines details of the beverage development market research study in

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  • Blog: Benefits of  Pre-Qualifying Market Research Participants

    6 Benefits of Pre-Qualifying Market Research Participants

    Pre-qualifying is a market research recruitment method that has many advantages. From better informed, more engaged, and higher-quality participants to cost-effectiveness. What more could you want from a qualitative recruiting study? Our market research company discusses the benefits of pre-qualifying participants with a recruitment screener survey in this blog post. Benefit #1: Pre-Qualified Participants are More Informed About the Study If you’ve played the game of telephone, you know

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  • Blog: How to Use Social Media to Recruit Research Participants

    [Ultimate Guide] How to Use Social Media to Find Research Participants

    Finding research participants can be the most frustrating and resource-intensive part of conducting qualitative market research. Our market research company typically uses one of three methods for our clients: Our in-house online research panel Social media such as Facebook Advertising A combination of both Let’s be honest. Using social media to find research participants is not the first sampling method research firms think to utilize. Ugh. Dinosaurs. However, from our experience, there a

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