Qualitative Recruiting

  • Qualitative Recruiting in 2023: Current Trends and Challenges

    Goodbye, 2022! As with most types of market research, qualitative recruiting has certainly evolved over the last few years, and 2023 will be no exception. To help brands and fellow market research recruiters prepare, this blog outlines the qualitative recruiting trends, challenges, and best practices to watch for in 2023. 2023 Qualitative Recruiting Trends #1. Research is Going Virtual This is a qualitative recruiting trend that has been taking over for years, but one that was especiall

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  • qualitative research interviews | market research company | handshaking people

    Conducting Qualitative Research Interviews: 7 Steps to Follow

    Qualitative research interviews (often called in-depth interviews or IDIs) are an excellent methodology to dig deep into a topic, product, service, or brand with your target audience. They aim to fully explore mindsets and beliefs whereas quantitative surveys aim to measure. In this post, our market research company will walk you through a 6 step process of conducting qualitative research interviews. Article Contents The qualitative interview steps we'll discuss in this blog include: Defi

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  • Blog: 6 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Qualitative Recruitment Firm

    Choosing a Qualitative Recruitment Firm: 8 Factors to Consider

    One critical step when conducting qualitative research is determining how you will find the participant. For many brands, this may mean hiring a qualitative recruitment firm to source, vet, and schedule qualified people to join the study. But, not all market research firms are created equal. In this blog, we share 8 critical factors to consider when choosing a qualitative research recruiter. For a super in-depth rundown of the process, read our Ultimate Guide to Recruiting Participants for

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  • Blog: Surveying Families: How to Recruit Parents & Kids for Market Research

    Surveying Families: How to Recruit Parents & Kids for Market Research

    After working in recruitment for so many years, I’m no stranger to challenging audiences. There used to be one audience that would make my stomach drop: parents. And that's because parents and kids come with many factors that may dissuade them from participating. However, that was before I learned a few tips and tricks for surveying families, which I’ll outline below. Continue reading this blog to learn more about the challenges of recruiting parents and kids, and suggestions on what you sh

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  • Recruiting Consumers for In-Store Research: Step-By-Step Process

    When one leading U.S. supermarket chain decided to conduct in-store research on their shelf displays in the coffee aisle, Drive Research was contracted for the study. Though there are many ways to replicate a shelf display or aisle, some studies require in-store research. Lucky for them, there are many market research options for grocery stores. One of the biggest industries worth over $800 billion, supermarkets are constantly changing due to consumer demand. And we couldn’t think of a bett

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  • Blog: How to Conduct Market Research with Military Veterans

    How to Conduct Market Research with Military Veterans

    While almost everyone knows a military veteran, this audience can be tricky to reach and recruit for market research. Especially on a large scale! Luckily for one client who contacted Drive Research, our team has experience with this audience and knows just how to reach them. This case study outlines the step-by-step process for our most recent veteran recruitment project. Step 1: The Kickoff Once a signed contract is in place, our market research firm held a 30-minute kickoff meeting to

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  • Blog: 5 Tips for Conducting Market Research with Content Creators

    5 Tips for Conducting Market Research with Content Creators

    It’s a content creator's and we’re just living in it, right? It’s no secret that influencers, bloggers, and social media personalities are some of the best marketers out there. In fact, a recent study revealed that up to 17% of businesses spend half of their yearly funds on influencer campaigns. Chances are if you’re reading this, you already know your way around influencer marketing strategy, at least a little bit. But do you know how market research can play into it? Types of market resea

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  • calculator measuring costs

    How Much Does Recruitment for Qualitative Research Cost?

    Unsurprisingly, one of the most common questions our qualitative recruitment firm receives is, “How much does recruitment for qualitative research cost?” This question is not always answered with one finite cost because in all reality, market research is not a one price fits all scenario. Drive Research works with a variety of organizations to recruit their most hard-to-find target participants, cost-effectively. However, the cost of doing so differs from project to project. To appropriatel

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  • Blog: 3 Reasons to Not Use Automated Market Research Recruitment

    3 Reasons to Not Use Automated Market Research Recruitment

    Automation, automation, automation - any Brady Bunch fans? Every industry seems to be moving toward this model, and while it’s something that I understand in the grand scheme of things, there’s one form of automation I will never fully support: qualitative recruitment. This blog outlines the 3 reasons you should refrain from utilizing automated market research recruitment. For a refresher on all things recruitment practices, check out our Ultimate Guide to Recruiting Participants for Qualit

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  • Blog: Market Research with Vloggers: Best Practices for Recruiting YouTubers

    Market Research with Vloggers: Best Practices for Recruiting YouTubers

    Social media vloggers, bloggers, and influencers are one of the more popular audiences in research lately. Lucky for many of our clients, Drive Research is highly experienced in recruiting this audience. When an agency reached out to us on behalf of a large international video tech/equipment brand, we knew we were the right fit for the project. This case study blog outlines our step-by-step process of recruiting YouTubers and vloggers. Report: A Brand's Guide to Working with Influencers

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  • Blog: 7 Mistakes Recruiters Make and How to Avoid Them

    7 Mistakes Market Research Recruiters Make (& How to Avoid Them)

    Recruiting research participants can be challenging. While I’ve always said there’s no single way to find participants willing to be part of market research recruitment (we’ll get into that later), there are definitely things that you can be doing wrong. This blog outlines some common mistakes I’ve witnessed recruiters make, and how to avoid them. Recommended Reading: Ultimate Guide to Recruiting Participants for Qualitative Research Mistake #1: Lying To or Misleading the Participant Lo

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  • Struggling to Get People to Attend Qualitative Research? Use These 7 Tips

    7 Ways to Improve Show Rates For Your Qualitative Research

    We’ve all been there. Yes, even a qualitative recruitment company like Drive Research has struggled to find qualified participants to attend market research studies. Sure we’ve learned from past mistakes and with these mistakes we now understand what does and does not work. With great qualitative recruitment experience, Drive Research was able to create a streamlined process for finding participants, even those who are hard to reach. Plus! This process helps with getting our dream participan

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