What Are Pop-Up Focus Groups?

What are pop-up focus groups exactly? Pop-up focus groups are a market research solution which utilize unique and non-traditional locations for on the spot focus groups. With new research methodologies emerging, pop-up focus groups are among them that are being utilized by Syracuse market research companies and market research companies across the country alike.

Wondering why an organization would choose pop-up focus groups? Below Drive Research, our focus group firm, discusses the two reasons pop-up focus groups have caught on with a few examples of each. They are driven by the need to use non-traditional locations and ease in recruiting.

Learn more about pop-up focus groups below.

What Are Pop-Up Focus Groups?

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Utilizing a Unique Location

Pop-up focus groups are commonly a solution when factors like finding a facility becomes a complication with the market research process. Market research companies use pop-up focus groups to aid in a solution when these problems exist.

For example, suppose an organization wants to hold focus groups in a specific rural geography but there are no focus group facilities available like there are in Syracuse or another city.

For these instances, a market research company would hold pop-up focus groups in a unique location, such as a library or hotel conference room. Here are other alternative focus group locations. Pop-up focus groups can often be conducted in classrooms or even in-homes with friends and family for specific types of consumer studies.

For all examples above, a Syracuse focus group company like Drive Research would work with the organization from start-to-finish on their project. Pop-up focus groups are heavily utilized when traditional focus group facilities are unavailable or too expensive. The benefits are similar to that of an online focus group.

Interested learn more about in online focus groups?

On-the-Spot Recruiting

What if an organization wants to hold an on the spot focus group at a specific location that isn't a classic focus group facility? The usage of a pop-up focus group in this instance makes recruitment much easier than the traditional recruitment survey, re-screening, confirmation calls, confirmation text process.

Organizations may opt to run a pop-up focus group for easier recruiting. Perhaps customers or consumers are easily accessible at location like at a store, college campus, etc. In these instances, focus group recruiting happens on the spot making the right setting key for approaching groups of customers or consumers to hold the focus group with.

For example, suppose a college campus wants to better refine the class sign-up and admissions process. After students register during a specific time period the focus group moderator and team may invite a handful of students to a side conference room to further discuss the process they just went through. It's fresh in their mind and relevant. They are offered $50 for sitting in on a 60-minute group discussion to find out ways to improve the admission and registration process at the college.

Pop-up focus groups are an excellent way to find focus group participants quickly. It helps that the focus group is held directly on-site where the pool of participants is available.

Learn more from Drive Research

Drive Research is a Syracuse market research company serving organizations from coast to coast. The Drive Research team has experience with a number of focus group projects helping our clients design and manage qualitative recruiting, moderating, and more.

Contact us via email at [email protected], call us at 315-303-2040, or contact us on our website.

Focus Groups