Market Research Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA | Key Statistics and Data

Although our market research company may be located in Upstate New York, our coverage spans across the United States including markets like Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA. If you're looking for a market research company in Scranton PA, our team can help.

This posts highlights some of the key characteristics of the Wilkes Barre-Scranton market. The data includes populations, genders, households, income, ages, ethnicities, and employment. The market research also summarizes Mosaic profiles of residents.

Market Research Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA | Key Statistics and Data

Demographic Summary

The 2017 population estimate in Wilkes Barre-Scranton was 1,518,920. The 2010 Census revealed a population of 1,532,333 , and in 2000 it was 1,481,741 representing a +3.4% change. It is projected the population in this area will be 1,539,372 in 2022, representing a change of 1.3% from 2017. The current population is 49.7% male and 50.3% female. In 2017, the median age of the population in this area was 43.0, compared to the Entire U.S. median age which was 37.8. The population density in the Wilkes Barre-Scranton area DMA is 142.6 people per square mile.

There are currently 602,850 estimated households in this selected geography. The Census revealed household counts of 609,368 in 2010 and 582,764 in 2000, representing a change of 4.6%. It is projected the number of households in this area will be 616,211 in 2022, representing a change of 2.2% from the current year.

In 2010, the average number of years in residence in this geography's population was 17.3. The average household size in this geography was 2.4 people and the average family size was 3.0 people. The average number of vehicles per household in this geography was 2.0.

In 2017, the median household income in this selected geography was $48,864, compared to the Entire U.S. median which was $56,286. The Census revealed median household incomes of $44,326 in 2010. It is projected the median household income in this area will be $57,871 in 2022, which would represent a change of 18.4% from the current year.

In 2017, the per capita income in this area was $23,551, compared to the Entire U.S. per capita, which was $28,088. The 2017 average household income for this area was $25,999 , compared to the Entire US average which was $30,982.

In 2017, the racial makeup of this selected area was as follows: 89.6% White; 4.5% Black; 0.2% Native American; 1.3% Asian/Pacific Islander; and 4.4% Other. Compare these to the Entire U.S. racial makeup which was: 70.4% White, 12.8% Black, 1.0% Native American, 5.7% Asian/Pacific Islander and 10.0% Other.

People of Hispanic ethnicity are counted independently of race. People of Hispanic origin make up 6.6% of the current year population in this selected area. Compare this to the Entire U.S. makeup of 17.9%.

The median housing value in this area was $85,779 in 2000; compare this to the Entire US median of $110,813 for the same year. The estimated median housing value in 2017 in this area is $138,421; compare this to the Entire US median of $193,953 for the same year. In 2010 there were 83.8% owner occupied housing units in this area vs. 83.8% estimated in 2017. Also in 2010, there were 0.3% renter occupied housing units in this area vs. 0.3% estimated in 2017.

In 2017, there were 1,255,622 people over the age of 16 in the labor force in your geography. Of these 93.5% were employed, 6.3% were unemployed, 36.8% were not in the labor force and 0.1% were in the Armed Forces. In 2017, Civilian unemployment in this area was 6.3% .

In Q3 2017, there were 598,470 employees in this selected area (daytime population) and there were 50,427 establishments. For this area in 2017, white collar workers made up 54.2% of the population, and those employed in blue collar occupations made up 27.4%. Service and Farm workers made up 18.4% of the population. In 2010, the average time traveled to work was 26 minutes.


Experian’s Mosaic® USA is a household-based consumer lifestyle segmentation system that classifies all U.S. households and neighborhoods into 71 unique types and 19 overarching groups, providing a 360-degree view of consumers’ choices, preferences and habits

Group J Autumn Years​

This is the most common Mosaic group in the Wilkes Barre-Scranton DMA covering 40.6% of the population. For a full profile of this group go here.

Key Traits

  • Made in America
  • Traditional media
  • Conservative approach
  • Cautious
  • Quiet leisure lives
  • Community roots
  • Long time residents
  • Home owners
  • Mature adults
  • Moderate digital users

Contact Drive Research

Drive Research is a market research company in Upstate New York serving the Wilkes Barre-Scranton PA area. Interested in utilizing our market research services such as an online survey, focus groups, or Voice of Customer (VoC). Contact us at [email protected] or call us at 315-303-2040.

All data in this article is sourced as 2010 US Census, All Rights Reserved, Alteryx, Inc.

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