Market Research Burlington VT | Key Statistics, Data, and Demographics

Searching for demographic information and key statistics on Burlington, VT? Market research to the rescue! One of the pieces we like writing about often is profiling other markets. These include demographic profiles of areas like Springfield MA, Cleveland OH, and Scranton PA.

Below is data on population, gender, age, income, education, and housing in the Burlington, VT designated market area (DMA). The data discussed below was sourced using an in-house proprietary secondary data system. Secondary data is used in market research projects to add insight on the geographic area of interest.

At Drive Research, our custom market research projects range from Voice of Customer (VoC) research to a competitive assessment.

Learn more about demographics and key statistics of Burlington, VT below!

Market Research Data for the Burlington, VT Designated Market Area (DMA)


From 2017 to 2022, projections reported the population in the Burlington, VT DMA will increase 2.7%. In 2017, estimates reported the population was 851,021. Projections for 2022 reported the population will increase to 873,611.

The total number of households is also projected to increase in Burlington, VT. In 2017, estimates reported the total number of households was 344,567. Projections for 2022 reported the total number of households will increase to 357,755. Overall, the total number of households in Burlington, VT will increase by 2.4% from 2017 to 2022.


The gender split in the Burlington, VT DMA will become slightly more male in 2022. Estimates in 2017 reported the gender split in Burlington, VT was 50% male and 50% female. For 2022, projections reported the gender split will be 50.1% male and 49.9% female.


The median age of the total population in the Burlington, VT DMA is becoming slightly older. In 2017, estimates reported the median age was 42.2. Projections for 2022 project the median age will be 43.0.

The biggest changes occur within the 65 to 74 and 75 to 84 age groups. From 2017 to 2022, projections reported a 18.0% increase in the 65 to 74 age group and a 22.2% increase in the 75 to 84 age group. All other age groups saw less significant changes from 2017 to 2022.


The average household income in the Burlington, VT DMA is projected to increase from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, estimates reported the average household income in Burlington, VT was $73,833. Projections for 2022 reported the average household income in Burlington, VT will be $85,016. This is an increase of 15.2%.


The total number of housing units in the Burlington, VT DMA are projected to increase from 2017 to 2022. The estimated number of housing units in 2017 was 437,310. In 2022, projections reported the total number of housing units will be 456,034. This is an increase of 4.3%.

The number of vacant housing units in Burlington, VT is also expected to increase by 6.0%. The number of vacant housing units in 2017 was estimated at 92,743. For 2022, projections reported the number of vacant housing units will be 98,743.


The percentage of those with a Bachelor's degree or higher is expected to remain roughly the same from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, 32.0% of the Burlington, VT DMA reported having a Bachelor's degree or higher. Projections for 2022 reported 32.3% of the Burlington, VT DMA having a Bachelor's degree or higher.


In 2017, estimates reported to top two dominate MOSAIC groups for the Burlington, VT DMA was Thriving Boomers and Autumn Years. MOSAIC groups are used to identify segments of the population with similar demographics and attitudes, beliefs, and values. Learn more about the top two dominate MOSAIC groups in Burlington, VT below.

Group 1 - Thriving Boomers

Thriving Boomers is the dominate MOSAIC group in the Burlington, VT DMA. It represents 24.2% of households in this geographic area. This group can be described as empty-nesters in their 50s and 60s. They are in the upper middle class and likely live in quiet towns. These individuals are also have also likely downsized and moved into a smaller home or condo. This group is more likely to have an aged parent or young adult living with them. Key attributes for Thriving Boomers include cultured, smart shoppers, comfortable lifestyles, baby boomers, and fitness-minded.

Group 2 - Autumn Years

Autumn Years is the second most common MOSAIC group in the Burlington, VT DMA. It represents 15.4% of households in this geographic area. The Autumn Years group can be described as retired, mature couples who have lived in the same house for much of their life. These individuals are likely over the age of 65 and are grandparents. They would prefer to live in their same neighborhood rather than move to a retirement community. Key attributes for the Autumn Years group include long-time residents, quiet leisure lives, conservative, home owners, and community oriented.

Let's Talk About Market Research

Drive Research is a market research company that serves Burlington, VT. Our national market research company serves organizations across the country with custom market research needs.

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