Market Research Broome County NY | Key Statistics, Data, and Demographics

Searching for data on Broome County, NY? We can help!

Drive Research is a market research company serving Broome County, NY. Our Broome County market research company can help with all types of custom market research services. Our services include recruiting for research studies, Voice of Customer (VoC) research, online surveys, focus groups, and more.

Below is an inside look at the demographics in Broome County, NY. This data is gathered using a propriety in house secondary data system. This data can be used in market research projects to help provide deeper insight on the results.

Looking for data on Broome County, NY? Check out the statistics and data below!


The population in Broome County will slightly decrease. Estimates in 2017 reported the total population in Broome County as 195,098. Projections for 2022 reported the population in 2022 will be 194,820. This is a 0.1% population decrease in Broome County.

The number of households in Broome County are projected to slightly increase. In 2017 estimates reported the total number of households as 80,085. In 2022 projections reported the number of households will be 80,279. This is a 0.2% increase in the number of households in Broome County.


The gender split is expected to remain similar to the current gender split in Broome County. Estimates in 2017 reported the gender split was 49.2% male and 50.8% female. Projections for 2022 reported the gender split will be 49.3% male and 50.7% female.


The population in Broome County is projected to become older in the coming years. In 2017 estimates reported the median age of the total population in Broome County was 39.7. In 2022 projections reported the median age of the total population in Broome County will be 40.2.

The most significant changes occur within the 65 to 74 and 75 to 85 age groups. The 65 to 74 age group is projected to increase 14.8% from 2017 to 2022. Additionally, the 75 to 85 age group is projected to increase 13.1% from 2017 to 2022.


The average household income in Broome County is projected to increase in the coming years. Estimates in 2017 reported the average household income in Broome County was $65,316. Projections for 2022 reported the average household income in Broome County will be $72,901.

The median household income is projected to increase as well. Estimates in 2017 reported the median household income in Broome County was $47,490. Projections for 2022 reported the median household income in Broome County will be $53,713.

The income ranges that see the most significant changes occur within the $100,000 to $149,999 and $150,000 or more ranges. From 2017 to 2022, those with incomes within the $100,000 to $149,999 range is projected to increase 20.2%. Also, from 2017 to 2022, those with incomes of $150,000 or more is projected to increase 25.1%.


Education is rising in Broome County! Those with Bachelor's and graduate degrees are projected to rise slightly. In 2017, 14.6% of those in Broome County had a Bachelor's degree, and projections for 2022 reported 14.7% of those in Broome County will have a Bachelor's degree. As for graduate degrees, 11.5% of those in Broome County had a graduate degree in 2017 which is projected to rise to 11.7% in 2022.


MOSAIC groups are used to identify segments of a population with similar attitudes, beliefs, and values. The largest MOSAIC groups in Broome County are Autumn Years and Aspiration Fusion. Learn more below.

Autumn Years

The Autumn Years group represents 54.1% of the households in Broome County. Autumn years consists of mature couples who have retired in the house they have spent much of their lives in. Most of these couples are over the age of 65 and have grown children. Many of these couples belong to the lower middle class and are proud members of their generation and community. Key traits of the Autumn Years group includes mature adults, long-time residents, conservative, home owners, and strong community ties.

Aspiration Fusion​

The Aspiration Fusion group represents 15.6% of the households in Broome County. This group consists of younger singles and single parents. In fact, two-thirds of those in this group are single parents. They live in lower income neighborhoods in older industrial areas. Many are under the age of 45 and a small portion are not married. Key traits of the Aspiration Fusion group include young singles, modest lifestyles, budget-minded, and active in the community.

Let's Talk About Market Research

Drive Research is a market research company serving Broome County, NY. The Drive Research team can help with various market research needs. Our market research services include recruiting for market research studies, focus groups, online surveys, image and awareness studies, Voice of Customer (VoC) research, and more.

Interested in partnering with Drive Research, market research company serving Broome County NY?

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