How to Improve B2B Employee Engagement

B2B Employee Engagement

B2B employee engagement is key for businesses that want a happy and motivated workplace. 

Employee engagement refers to the overall commitment, fulfillment, and motivation staff have for their workforce.

A number of factors go into shaping how B2B employees are engaged with their work, especially as remote work has risen in popularity. 

Measuring employee engagement is especially important right now, as levels are the lowest they've been in nine yearsThankfully, employers can easily measure employee engagement levels through the use of employee surveys

Why B2B Employee Engagement Does Matter

Employees are the backbone of any organization, but especially B2B companies. 

If the backbone of an organization is weak, then that affects everything, from sales to customer satisfaction levels. 

Poor staff engagement levels can lead to...

The reason for all of these negatives? Employees who aren't fulfilled or engaged simply won't put in the effort to promote any of the initiatives listed above. 

Ensuring staff are engaged means that businesses will have higher success rates and employee happiness. 

High rates of B2B employee engagement can lead to...

  • Healthy work culture
  • Improved customer service
  • High production rates
  • Atmosphere for new ideas, etc. 

Ways To Improve B2B Employee Engagement

The best way to improve B2B employee engagement is to survey employees

The survey data will then inform employers of staff pain points and related feedback. This allows for data-driven decision-making in the workplace, giving employers confidence that they're on the right track. 

Keep in mind, that it's important to use a third party for employee surveys. An outsourced team has the expertise to handle the nuances of a survey that you don't get when crafting it on your own. 

Aside from surveys, here are other ways to boost employee engagement:

1. Open Communication

Promoting open communication is huge if you want a thriving workplace. This means fostering an environment where employees can openly share their opinions, feelings, and critiques in a healthy environment.

It's also key to have opportunities for employees to advance in the workplace. When staff feels there's no room for opportunity in a workplace, they often tend to lose motivation, and engagement drops.

2. Listen To Feedback

B2B employee engagement surveys only have an impact if the data is used correctly.

You could have the best data in the world but if it's not used, none of it matters! (Also why you should work with a dedicated third-party team). 

Employers need to take their B2B employee engagement survey data and apply it to their staff ASAP. An outsourced team will deliver a topline or comprehensive market research report to detail all the key findings in the survey. 

With this information, management teams can clearly see...

  • What needs to be improved
  • Strategies that are working 
  • How to effectively implement the data into real-life scenarios

3. Include Your Employees During Strategy Meetings

Employees love to feel included in the decisions that impact the future of the company. 

It's essential for businesses to make an effort to make sure all staff members are aware of what's happening in the company. This stems all the way from higher-ups and management teams to other employee groups. 

There are multiple reasons as to why this is important. 

First of all, employees need to be included in strategy meetings so they know what direction the company is going in. Keeping employees in the dark will only backfire and create low levels of engagement. 

Secondly, having input from ALL employees is important! Each staff member, no matter their rank, has something to bring to the table. This allows for better idea generation and fosters a sense of community throughout the workplace. 

4. Support Your Staff

As always, supporting your staff always leads to better B2B employee engagement levels. 

Businesses can "tailor" employee support to mean many different things. As long as employees feel they are supported in all areas of their work, that's all that matters

While this looks different for any company, there are a few basics every business can follow to improve support. 

Take these, for example: 

  • Regular recognition of employee achievements
  • Opportunities for advancement
  • Regular employee check-ins
  • Fun, non-work events (these can vary depending on budget)
  • Flexible PTO 

Again, there are many ways companies can achieve this to improve B2B employee engagement. 

The above options are all great starting points and can be tweaked depending on the needs of employees and the organization. 

Contact Our B2B Employee Engagement Company

At Drive Research, we believe that a thriving workplace begins with engaged employees. Are you curious about the pulse of your organization? Wondering how to boost morale and productivity? Then it's time to conduct an employee survey with our market research company.

To learn more about our process and costs, please contact Drive Research today!

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040


Lark Allen

As a Content Marketing Specialist, Lark has a strong background and passion for creative, professional, and journalistic writing. She is also a self-proclaimed music freak and 90s enthusiast.

Learn more about Lark, here.

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Employee Surveys