Focus Groups

  • Syracuse Athletics Focus Group

    Case Study: Syracuse Athletics Focus Group

    Drive Research recently partnered with Advance Media New York (AMNY) to conduct a focus group with Syracuse Athletics. The focus group was held with the Cuse Council or Fan Council for Syracuse University. The Cuse Council is a group of select individuals recruited to share feedback on Syracuse Athletics on a monthly basis. The monthly meetings are typically an informal gathering to share thoughts on several topics, however the design for this latest session was modeled to mimic a focus group di

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  • focus group moderator market research

    5 Unique Focus Group Moderator Tips

    Recently, Drive Research worked with Advance Media New York (AMNY) in Syracuse to volunteer its time to moderate a focus group session for Syracuse Athletics of Syracuse University. Focus groups are a form of qualitative market research aimed at exploring opinions and perceptions. They are not intended to be statistically reliable but they do provide some depth and insight into the mindsets of participants. A focus group moderator is the person who guides and manages the focus group. He or she

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  • get started with focus group market research

    How to Get Started With Focus Group Market Research

    When you hear market research, one of the methodologies that immediately jumps to mind is likely focus groups. Perhaps it's because of all of the attention on television or because they are always integrated into market research courses in college. The "coolness" factor of focus groups have always been evident. They seem more hip than a short questionnaire and garner a lot of awareness at companies. Maybe it's the one-way mirror or the fact that you get to watch participants talk about your pro

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  • What is an Online Focus Group? | Market Research Buffalo

    What is an Online Focus Group? | Market Research Buffalo

    With all of the talk about mobile market research, m-commerce, MROCs, bulletin boards, and online surveys, one would think focus groups are dead. A more accurate statement would be focus groups are evolving. The traditional focus group fans are finding ways to utilize online methodologies and forums to collect the same valuable anecdotes and feedback without having to shell out the cash for an onsite facility, food and beverages, expensive moderators, and participant rewards. As seen ove the pas

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  • reward market research

    You Should Offer a Reward for Your Market Research – Here’s Why

    Practically everyone likes to win something. Think about it, Opera and Ellen have entire shows dedicated to attendees winning various goods/services (and everyone loves to watch)! Through my years of working in the market research industry, I’ve been told countless times by research participants that they are so excited and surprised when they win a sweepstakes from an online survey or see the payoff from participating in a focus group. If you’re considering market research then you might also

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  • focus group checklist syracuse research tips

    Focus Group Checklist | Moderator in Syracuse NY

    To run a focus group properly, organization is key. Preparing for focus groups often takes weeks of preparation with tasks ranging from recruitment, to moderator guide development, to the design of participation packets, to finding facilities, to confirmation letters. With so much to think about, when the day actually comes no one would blame you for forgetting even the simplest of items for your focus group. Checklists and protocols help ensure you have everything you need for your focus group

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  • dual moderator focus group upstate ny

    What is a Dual-Moderator Focus Group? | Focus Groups Upstate NY

    If you've ever conducted a focus group for your business or participated as an attendee, you'll quickly realize and respect the amount of preparation which goes into the process. Moderators and their market research firms are often responsible for recruiting participants, sending confirmation emails or letters, preparing the discussion guide, preparing the participation packet, managing the logistics at the focus group, and handling the report. Often, the moderator becomes the project manager a

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  • focus group life cycle market research

    The Focus Group Lifecycle

    When you hear the term "lifecycle" you probably immediately jump back to your memories from your marketing class in college. It's the common principle which attempts to define the lifespan of every product. It claims every product moves through a 4-phase journey from introduction, growth, maturity, and decline as seen below. Forever ingrained into 20-year-old marketing students' minds The flow of a focus group can follow a similar path. Most who are at least somewhat familiar with focus groups

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  • participation packets in focus groups market research

    Why Are Participation Packets Used in Focus Groups?

    One of the advantages of using one-on-one in-depth interviews (IDIs) in-person or by phone, is the elimination of any group bias. In group settings, one participant can be influenced by the opinion of another. It's the job of an experienced and qualified moderator to mitigate such bias, but this group dynamic is often assumed in focus group methodologies. The same group dynamic which influences an individual's opinions is also a main benefit as to why market researchers use focus groups. Back a

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  • qualitative battle focus groups vs in depth interview market research

    Qualitative Battle: Focus Groups vs. In-Depth Interviews (IDIs)?

    Qualitative research can provide deep insights into a customer's mind. The conversational nature of qualitative research allows a moderator to dig into the findings and continually ask "why" to get the root of a decision. It uncovers motivational factors which influence consumer behavior. How do I decide on which methodology to use? Several methodologies exist which fall into the qualitative market research realm, but two of the most popular are focus groups and in-depth phone interviews. Ea

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  • must have qualities focus group moderator syracuse ny

    10 Must-Have Qualities of a Focus Group Moderator | Syracuse, NY

    A few years back I read a book titled Secrets of a Master Moderator written by Naomi Henderson from Riva Market Research & Training Institute. The book was a good read and offered insights and actionable takeaways which I could incorporate into my work as a focus group moderator in Syracuse, NY. Moderating can be a challenging task and many learn they do not fit the profile the hard way (while actually conducting a focus group live.) It takes a person who has a combination of skills which they c

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  • How Chevrolet is Destroying Focus Groups

    How Chevrolet is Destroying Focus Groups

    Although I am all for television commercials that embrace and build awareness for marketing research among the general public, I do take particular offense with the new Chevrolet campaign. The television commercials are designed to entertain in an effort to go viral rather than be a true depiction of the benefits and reality of what a productive focus group looks like. If you haven't seen any of the Chevy "focus group" advertisements yet, here is a screen cap from the commercial campaigns. Vi

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