Focus Groups

  • Blog: Conducting Focus Groups in Syracuse: Why Upstate NY Is the Right Move

    Conducting Focus Groups in Syracuse: Why Upstate NY Is the Right Move

    Why choose Syracuse, New York as the destination for your next focus group project? Anecdotally, our focus group company loves Syracuse for its accessibility, great outdoor attractions, and access to amazing coffee and food scenes. But, it’s not all about the coffee beans and sports. Three factors are important to consider when debating whether to make Upstate New York the location for focus groups. A great mix of demographics Cost-effective Access to the latest and greatest technology Le

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  • Should You Use a Third-Party For Focus Groups? | The Dangers of DIY Qualitative Research

    Should You Use a Third-Party For Focus Groups? | The Dangers of DIY Qualitative Research

    DIY market research initially seems like a brilliant idea. The possibility of saving time, money, and getting the same, insightful results from a focus group without having to go through a third party seems like a no-brainer. However, DIY market research very rarely delivers this outcome. Our market research company often equates DIY market research to cutting your own hair. A task that seems so simple and easy. This feeling quickly fades once the process is complete. You realize, there is a

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    Traditional Focus Groups or Online Focus Groups: The Choice is Yours

    A focus group is a common methodology used in market research. A traditional focus group involves a small group of people coming together at a location to share needs, preferences, opinions, and experiences about a specific product or service. The facilitator of the discussion, called the moderator, leads the discussion. The goal is often gaining insight for the company through spoken feedback of consumers and potentially B2B professionals. Typically focus groups are held at a brick and mor

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  • Blog: How to Conduct Parent Focus Groups | Education Market Research Company

    How to Conduct Parent Focus Groups

    With the transition to distance learning and reopening schools, parent focus groups have grown in popularity. School decision-makers are turning to parents of students to understand how their classes, programs, and other logistics should be executed based on our “new normal.” For instance, a private school in California contacted our education market research company to conduct parent focus groups online. In this blog post, Drive Research shares our step-by-step process for those interested i

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  • Blog: 4 Quick Tips for Better Virtual Focus Groups | Market Research Company

    4 Quick Tips for Better Virtual Focus Groups

    Virtual focus groups are growing in popularity -- I’m pretty sure we all know why. While traditional, in-person focus groups will have their comeback, online focus groups will likely be more popular for a while longer. To help ease the transition, our focus groups market research company shares 4 quick tips for better virtual focus groups below. Need help recruiting, moderating, or hosting a virtual focus group? Drive Research can provide one or all of these services. Contact our team by emai

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  • questions-ask-customer-focus-group-market-research-08072018

    Questions to Ask in a Customer Focus Group

    A customer focus group can help an organization dive deep and explore customer feedback beyond the quantitative measurable data acquired through a survey. As with any good qualitative market research, the questions you ask in a customer focus group should be focused on exploring topics. These include thought-provoking questions and open-ended questions to generate discussion and dialogue. The topic of this blog post is to help you choose or think about questions to ask in a customer focus gro

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  • Blog for How to Conduct Student Focus Groups | Market Research Company for Nonprofits

    How to Conduct Student Focus Groups | Market Research Company

    Drive Research often works with nonprofit organizations on a variety of market research studies. Recently we completed a focus group recruitment project for a well-known non-profit making organization. The goal of the focus groups was to speak to student caregivers who met very specific criteria, which is an audience with an extremely low incidence rate. The client decided to hold the student caregiver focus groups at Drive Research’s focus group facility in Upstate New York. Why should y

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  • 10 tips for video focus groups

    10 Tips for Video Focus Groups | Company in NY

    Focus groups are a great way to bring consumers together to share insights on product or service offerings. While many people are familiar with focus groups examples conducted in-person, they can also be conducted online. Video focus groups are becoming a popular way to conduct qualitative research discussions. In fact, there are several advantages to conducting focus groups online including: Increased accessibility to participants Lower costs Quicker turnaround times Tip 1: Leverage Fam

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  • How to Find Participants for Remote Focus Groups

    How to Find Participants for Remote Focus Groups

    Remote focus groups are a unique and trending qualitative research method. Similar to in-person focus groups, online focus groups allow a group of like-individuals to discuss a topic in-depth. With online focus groups, geographical barriers are eliminated. This means opinions can be heard from participants around the world. With in-person focus groups, location can be an issue if the audience you’re trying to target has a low incidence rate within that specific market. Remote or video focus g

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  • 3 Best Practices When Recruiting for Online Focus Groups | Market Research Company

    3 Best Practices When Recruiting for Online Focus Groups | Market Research Company

    So, you’ve decided you want to conduct online focus groups! Now, you’re left to find participants who are a good fit for the study. I’m sure you have a lot of questions. How do I find research participants for remote focus groups?  How do I make sure they’re qualified?  How do I know if they fit my screening criteria?  How do I make sure they will actually show up on the day of the online focus group? Regardless of what type of qualitative research you are conducting (online focus groups, web

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  • How Much Should You Pay Participants in Market Research?

    How Much Should You Pay Participants in Market Research?

    For those new to market research, how much to pay market research participants is probably one of, if not the most common question asked to our market research company. If you are reading case studies online, you are likely finding a wide array of reward amounts likely ranging from $5 gift cards to $500 checks. That is probably not helpful for your specific project. So how much should you pay market research participants? Unfortunately, the appropriate amount to pay market research participant

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  • Example Focus Group Questions | What Should Be Included in a Moderators Guide?

    Example Focus Group Questions | What Should Be Included in a Moderators Guide?

    Creating a focus group moderator’s guide can be tough - especially if you don’t know where to start. When creating focus group questions, the trick is to start simple and dive into bigger questions and ideas as the conversation flows. In this blog post, our focus group company will share insider tips on how to create focus group questions based on your goals for market research. To help get you started, we will also share a moderator’s guide for a focus group project we conducted at our facili

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