Survey Design That Makes Survey Taking Easy For Respondents

Survey design

Surveys are powerful tools for gathering valuable insights, but a poorly designed survey can lead to frustration and inaccurate responses.

In this blog, we'll explore the key elements of survey design that prioritize the respondent's experience. 

From crafting clear and concise questions to the use of different question types, we'll guide you through the steps to ensure your survey is user-friendly and effective. 

What Exactly is Survey Design?

Survey design refers to the process of creating a structured set of questions and response options to gather specific information from a group of people. 

It involves careful planning, formulation of questions, and consideration of the overall user experience. 

The goal of survey design is to collect accurate and reliable data that can be analyzed to gain unique insights and make informed decisions. 

Additionally, effective survey design ensures that questions are clear, relevant, and appropriately ordered to facilitate meaningful responses from participants.

Is Survey Design Important in Surveys?

Absolutely. Survey design is crucial in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. It is the foundation upon which the entire survey process rests. 

That’s because a poorly designed survey can lead to unreliable data, skewed results, and misinformed decision-making.

Therefore, whether it be customer surveys, employee surveys, or PR surveys, investing time and effort into thoughtful survey design is a crucial step in any successful research endeavor.

Here’s more on why survey design is important in surveys:

1. Minimizing bias and error

Well-designed surveys are structured to minimize various forms of bias, including selection bias (where certain groups are over or underrepresented), response bias (where respondents may provide answers they think are expected), and measurement error (where questions are misunderstood or misinterpreted).

2. Capturing relevant information

Through careful planning and consideration of the survey's objectives, survey design ensures that questions are directly aligned with the information needed. This leads to more precise and useful data.

3. Ensuring data reliability

A well-designed survey leads to reliable data. This means that if the same survey were administered to the same group of people multiple times, it would yield consistent results, indicating that the data is dependable and trustworthy.

How Can Survey Design Be Good For Respondents?

A well-designed survey respects the time and effort of participants. It ensures that questions are clear and relevant, making it easier for respondents to provide accurate answers.

Additionally, a well-designed survey can lead to a more positive experience for participants, increasing the likelihood of their participation in future surveys.

Here are a few tips for how to better design your survey and maximize response rates.

1. Understand your goal for the survey

Before diving into survey design, it's essential to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Do this by defining the objectives and the specific information you hope to gather through the survey. 

Our survey design company achieves this by hosting kickoff meetings with our clients. It is a great time to hash out survey goals, must-have questions, and how the survey data will be used.

2. Use different question types to keep respondents engaged

Another great way to better design surveys is by mixing different question types such as multiple choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions. We find that the mix of question formats helps maintain a high respondent engagement. That’s because the variety prevents monotony and encourages more thoughtful responses.

open-ended vs closed-ended survey design

3. Write your survey questions short and to the point

This is a big one. Writing clear and concise questions are key to an effective survey. 

It’s important to avoid using jargon or complex language that may confuse respondents. Respondent confusion could lead to high dropoff rates – or worse, misinformed data.

Also, each question should address one specific aspect to ensure clarity. For example, consider a question like…

"How satisfied are you with our services and products?"

It is not clear because it combines two separate aspects (satisfaction with services and products) into one question. 

Respondents may have different levels of satisfaction for each, making it difficult to provide a precise answer. It would be clearer to ask separate questions about satisfaction with services and satisfaction with products.

4. Consider the sequence of your questions

The order of your questions can influence the responses you receive. Our survey design company recommends starting with easy, non-sensitive questions to build respondent confidence before moving on to more complex or personal inquiries.

5. Test and preview your survey before using it

Before distributing your survey, thoroughly test it to identify any potential issues or ambiguities. A good idea is to preview the survey as if you were a participant to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.

For extra checks and balances, our online survey company always “soft-launch” our surveys.

This includes launching the survey to a small sample of respondents to check for any errors in how the data is being collected. Once that checks out, we open the survey up to the rest of the sample.

Frequently Asked Questions About Survey Design

What are the five steps of survey design?

  1. Define the survey's purpose and objectives.
  2. Develop a list of research questions.
  3. Choose a survey method (e.g., online, phone, in-person).
  4. Design the questionnaire, including question types and order.
  5. Pretest and revise the survey before full-scale administration.

What are the three key elements of a survey design?

  1. Questionnaire Design: This includes crafting clear and relevant questions.
  2. Sampling: Determining who will participate in the survey.
  3. Data Collection: Choosing the method (online, phone, etc.) and administering the survey.

How do you plan a survey design?

Planning a survey design involves understanding the research objectives, selecting an appropriate survey method, developing a questionnaire, choosing the target audience, and preparing for data collection and analysis.

What are the basic principles of survey design?

The basic principles of survey design include clarity, relevance, brevity, and neutrality. Questions should be clear and easy to understand, directly related to the survey's objectives, concise, and free from bias or leading language.

Contact Our Survey Design Company

Drive Research is a full-service market research company specializing in survey design, programming, fielding, analysis, and reporting. Our team of research experts effectively write surveys that encourage increased response rates and high-quality feedback.

To learn more about our services, contact us today.

  1. Message us on our website
  2. Email us at [email protected]
  3. Call us at 888-725-DATA
  4. Text us at 315-303-2040

emily carroll about the author

Emily Rodgers

A SUNY Cortland graduate, Emily has taken her passion for social and content marketing to Drive Research as the Marketing Manager. She has earned certificates for both Google Analytics and Google AdWords.

Learn more about Emily, here.

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Online Surveys