Market Research Analysis
Stop Wasting Money on Purchased Email Customer Lists. Do This Instead.
Posted at: 2/14/2020 1:30 PM
“How can my organization find new leads or customers to increase sales?” This may be one of the most common questions across all different types of organizations. In fact, when turning to Google with this question, I am presented with 280,000,000 different articles for “tips” and “the best ways” to generate qualified sales leads. I’ll save you the time of skimming these articles and share the most common answers. Use social media Get referrals from current customers Attend a networking event
Market Research Milwaukee | Key Statistics, Data, and Demographics
Posted at: 2/4/2020 1:30 PM
Looking to conduct market research in Milwaukee, WI? Before Drive Research gets started with any market research project, we always analyze the key statistics and demographics to determine the feasibility of the market research, develop strategies, and create a budget. Although based in Upstate New York, our market research firm serves organizations in Milwaukee and surrounding areas. We are not just one phone call away. Our team member, Tim Gell lives in Milwaukee and can meet in-person to dis
Should I Share My Project Budget with a Market Research Company?
Posted at: 1/31/2020 1:30 PM
Yes. The end! Okay, okay. Our market research company will expand on why you should share your project budget when inquiring about a research study. The more information you can initially provide with a potential research partner, the better. This includes your specific project objectives, audience, timeline, and yes – budget (even if it is just an estimated amount). There are a number of different factors that impact the final cost of market research. By understanding what your budget looks l
3 Market Research Options for Wineries and Vineyards
Posted at: 1/30/2020 1:30 PM
With an abundance of market research methodologies for wineries and vineyards to choose from, it can be overwhelming. What makes the most sense for your establishment? What research study is most closely aligned for the objectives and goals you’ve set forth for your winery? Our winery and vineyard market research company can help! We chose our top three research studies that would be beneficial to those in the winery industry. Watch this 60-second video below. For more information regarding th
Market Research Vermont | Key Statistics, Data, and Demographics
Posted at: 1/28/2020 1:30 PM
Is your next market research project in Vermont? Before you get started, it would be helpful to understand the key statistics and demographics of this area to determine various components of the project such as: The feasibility of the market research Determine your research budget Develop strategies that could help you reach your target audience effectively Our national market research company often works with organizations based in Vermont or clients who are researching those who live in the
3 Ways to Use Market Research to Beat Your Competition
Posted at: 1/21/2020 1:30 PM
Competitors. Everyone has them - and whether you’d like to believe it or not, they are ready to steal your prospects and customers. How can you beat them to the punch? With the help of market research. Market research provides organizations with an in-depth analysis of the many business and marketing strategies executed by the competition. It is the most effective way to learn how your company compares to competitors on several factors such as customer service, quality of product/service, prici
Market Research New Hampshire | Key Statistics, Data, and Demographics
Posted at: 1/20/2020 1:30 PM
Looking to conduct market research in New Hampshire? First, you’ll have to dive deeper into some key statistics and demographic information to determine the feasibility and budget for your research. When Drive Research, a full-service market research company, executes research studies throughout the country, we like to dive a little deeper into the demographics and other key variables that represent the specific geographic area. How do we do this? Our national research company uses an in-house
Market Research Maine | Key Statistics, Data, and Demographics
Posted at: 1/8/2020 1:30 PM
Maine is most commonly known for its long, beautiful shorelines and abundance of lobsters. However, there is much more to Maine than its beaches and its plethora of delicious seafood. Who are the residents of Maine? Are there more males than females? What age group makes up the majority of Maine’s population? What are their opinions? How do they prefer to purchase from businesses in Maine? Our market research company serving the Maine area set out to find these answers and more! We know yo
2019 Year in Review Survey | What Trend Most Defined the End of the Decade?
Posted at: 12/23/2019 2:30 PM
There were many fashion, entertainment, sports, and technology trends of 2019 - but what were America's favorites? Drive Research, a national market research company, surveyed over 600 people through their in-house panel to find out. Panel participants ranged in ages, genders, and geographies. Here are the results of our 2019 Year in Review Survey! Overall Interest in 2019 Trends Below are the top categories our panel participants were most interested in: Movies (78%) TV (78%) Music (74%
Should I Survey My Customers During the Holidays?
Posted at: 12/18/2019 6:25 PM
‘Tis the season for being in the giving mood and feeling thankful for all this year has brought us. With that being said, it is also the season of feeling the stresses of holiday shopping, cooking, and traveling. The one question still remains. Is it the best time of the year to survey customers? As a survey market research company, Drive Research executes various types of surveys (online surveys, intercept surveys, customer surveys, etc.) at all times of the year. We understand the desire to c
Conducting Research on a Tight Marketing Budget? Here are 4 Cost Saving Tips
Posted at: 12/6/2019 2:48 PM
Contrary to popular belief, research does not have to break a marketing budget to be effective. In fact, a simple online survey can provide the individualized and high-quality data you are looking for at a fraction of the cost of other methodologies. While the cost of market research ranges based on a variety of factors, there are easy ways to reduce the cost of conducting research to fit within the means of any tight marketing budget. Before getting started with market research, hone in on wha
How to Engage Generation Z in Market Research | Gen Z Market Research Company
Posted at: 11/21/2019 6:38 PM
Generation Z, or more commonly referred to as Gen Z, is transforming the way organizations are marketing their brand, products, and services. Many B2C businesses are being forced to throw away traditional marketing campaigns and think outside of the box for how to attract this new generation. As a result, organizations have turned to Gen Z market research companies to collect feedback and data directly from Gen Zers in order to understand how they make their purchasing decisions. Market resear