Consumer Behavior

  • practices-market-researech-psychology-11262018

    5 Best Practices for Market Research Borrowed from Psychology

    Principles of psychology are intertwined throughout market research. Many decisions are based on an individual’s anticipated thought process or behavior. Psychology fundamentals are used to interpret market research results. Psychology also influences the underlying processes of market research. I recently read the Quirk’s article, “Psychology’s reminder to MR: Part 2: 5 best practices” and it provided me with some great points on how important it is to keep market research in check with scient

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    Consumer Behavior and Understanding "Why Customers Buy?"

    The psychology of sales refers to a buyer’s behavior in the sales process. Market research enhances a company’s ability to understand and relate to their consumer’s needs (buyer behavior), ultimately creating more exposure to the ideal consumer resulting in more sales. Understanding customer behavior and reasons someone buys or does not buy a product or services can help improve marketing messaging for a company. Although collecting primary research can offer key data and context around buyer b

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  • Takeaways from To Sell is Human | Book Reviews

    5 Takeaways from To Sell is Human | Book Reviews

    Dan Pink, author of To Sell is Human, will make readers believe no matter what job function they have within an organization, sales are part of their everyday tasks. Much of your time is spent persuading someone else to give something up, in exchange for something they value. In market research, this can be as direct as a client giving up budget in exchange for data insights. Or it can be something as indirect as having your staff each give up an hour of their workday (time) to meet as a team to

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