Consumer Behavior

  • Blog: How to Conduct In-Person Shelf Testing | CPG Research Firm

    How to Conduct Shelf Testing Market Research | CPG Research Firm

    As consumers’ preferences and purchasing behaviors continue to rapidly evolve, the need for consumer packaged goods (CPG) market research has never been more relevant. A great methodology to consider is in-person or in-store shelf testing. Our CPG research firm recently completed a qualitative recruitment project for a client involving in-person shelf-research at their facility. We had to navigate several unique obstacles that came with onsite research in the midst of COVID-19. Below are the p

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  • Blog: How to Conduct a Brand Analysis with Online Surveys | Market Research Firm

    How to Conduct a Brand Analysis with Online Surveys | Market Research Firm

    The most effective way to conduct a brand analysis is with market research. Specifically, an online survey among potential clients can equip your business with the knowledge it needs to excel in the market. A market analysis allows organizations to use data-driven insights to determine brand names, slogans, digital advertisements, and other key factors. This type of exclusive research helps brands regain market share even in the most competitive industries. For instance, our market research fi

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  • best market research quotes

    10 of the Best Market Research Quotes

    This article includes 10 of the best market research quotes from influencers, authors, and some of the most well-known historical figures in the world. They provide context to help us understand the world of market research and analytics. Not here for quotations but rather a market research price quote, estimate, or proposal? Drive Research can help. Contact us here, email us at [email protected], or call us at 888-725-DATA. Our full-service market research company consults with brands co

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  • How Will COVID-19 Impact New York Travel and Tourism in 2020?

    How Will COVID-19 Impact New York Travel and Tourism in 2020?

    As with many industries, COVID-19 has and will inevitably impact the travel and tourism sector in New York. To effectively measure and moderate changes in Upstate New York travel, our market research company partnered with ABC Creative in a custom PR survey. Drive Research conducted an online survey with 1,000 New York State residents (excluding NYC and counties past Westchester) to collect feedback on future travel and tourism habits as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Market research is

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  • blog-post:57 Statistics About Life in Quarantine: How Many Americans Are Still Wearing Real Pants?

    57 Statistics About Life in Quarantine: How Many Americans Are Still Wearing Real Pants?

    In these uncertain times yada yada, we’re certain about one thing…COVID-19 sucks. As a market research company, we appreciate the power of facts and numbers – but most data surrounding the pandemic focuses on the horrible tragedies caused by Coronavirus. That’s why we conducted a (not so typical) national survey that focused on common and unique quarantine experiences regarding fashion, entertainment, sports, and more. A total of 834 responses were received, and at the 95% confidence level,

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  • The Economic Impact of COVID-19: Where are Consumers Spending Time and Money?

    The Economic Impact of COVID-19: Where are Consumers Spending Time and Money?

    To say COVID-19 has turned our world upside down would be an understatement. Consumers everywhere have been forced to completely readjust where they are spending their time, money, and resources. As the extent of the pandemic continues to evolve, many communities and small businesses are scrambling to measure the economic impact of COVID-19. Our market research company recently partnered with Advance Local to better understand the consumer audience during these times and help businesses better

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  • How to Succeed in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Through Data and Analytics

    How to Succeed in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Through Data and Analytics

    Trends of grocery shopping in the United States continue to evolve each year. As a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) company, it is important to stay up to date on shopper’s habits, preferences, perceptions, and more. An easy way to collect unique, market data as it relates to your industry and brand is conducting regular market research. Consumer goods market research will help you stay competitive and identify trends before they come to fruition. Recently, our consumer behavior research comp

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  • Future of Banking Technology: Is Your Bank or Credit Union Prepared?

    Future of Banking Technology: Is Your Bank or Credit Union Prepared?

    When assessing banks and credit unions, the first priority for many consumers is online and mobile banking capabilities. Especially with the rise of digital banking as a result of COVID-19, it is hard to determine whether these trends will continue after quarantine restrictions have been lifted. In order to fully prepare for the future of banking technology, it is important to speak directly with your customers and members as well as general consumers living in your designated market area (DMA)

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  • Recession-Proof Business: How to Succeed During and After an Economic Downturn

    Recession-Proof Business: How to Succeed During and After an Economic Downturn

    As the COVID-19 pandemic worsens, it’s likely that the world will face a slow recovery. Many businesses and consumers are already preparing for the next recession as key parts of the United States yield curve have started to reinvert. The COVID-19 crisis will serve as a reset moment for many consumers and companies; the need for fresh and new marketing, advertising, and insights is now even more vital than before. Now more than ever, it is important to make smart, fiscally sound business decis

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  • 4 Benefits of Using Facebook for Market Research During Coronavirus

    4 Benefits of Using Facebook for Market Research During Coronavirus

    Due to rising economic concerns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have pulled back or completely stopped their advertising spend. On the contrary, social media users have never been higher. Facebook recently shared its own data, noting that time across all apps (Facebook Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp) had grown 70% since the crisis came to fruition. Right now, there is a major opportunity to leverage Facebook Ads for market research. With little competition, ads can be shown to

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  • How to Measure Shifts in Consumer Behavior Due to COVID-

    How to Measure Shifts in Consumer Behavior Due to COVID-19

    Undoubtfully, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused global economic concerns and it is nearly impossible to predict when consumer behaviors will return to normalcy. In fact, it seems, for the time being, our current state will be the “new norm.” When dramatic shifts happen in the market, it is important to seek feedback and data directly from your target market. It is better to hear straight from the source, rather than rely on national, global, or even industry data. Through consumer research, you

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  • How to Use Market Research to Become a Disruptive Brand

    How to Use Market Research to Become a Disruptive Brand

    We live in a world where cars drive themselves, we can ask Alexa to turn the lights on, and packages magically appear on our doorsteps in two days or less. As consumers, we have started to expect more from the products and services we use each day. We’ve been given a taste of evolving technology combined with innovation and personalization, so now we seek out disruption from the brands we consume. Disruption is a way brands can meet customer needs, possibly even fixing a disconnect we didn’t e

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